Is DKOldies REALLY a Scam?

Published 2023-03-18
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Chapter Titles:
0:00 What is DKOldies?
1:55 "Refurbished"
2:39 Unboxing Dreamcast & Wii
4:34 Unboxing GameCube & PS3
6:00 Unboxing Xbox 360 & Game Boy Color
7:33 Testing Xbox 360
8:32 Testing PS3
9:03 Testing Wii & GameCube
10:10 Testing Game Boy & Dreamcast
11:19 Xbox 360 Teardown
14:38 PS3 Teardown
18:14 Is DKOldies a Scam?

All Comments (21)
  • Calling DKoldies a trustful company is like calling GameStop a great store.
  • There’s a difference between a store having overhead and straight up overpriced products that aren’t even cleaned much less in working order
  • @joelferguson625
    If you don't disassemble, clean, repaste and reassemble properly it's not a refurbishment. Ideally refurbish includes replacement of failing capacitors, batteries or other electronics.
  • @kuhneegit
    I remember when I was 18 I got a PS3 super slim refurbished for $55. It came with 6 controllers, 12 games, all of the cables, and each piece was individually cleaned.
  • @KarimJovian
    Thank to all these YouTubers they saved me so much money. I was so close to buying a TON from DK oldies
  • $180 for an OG 360 is absolutely insane. I see them in mom and pop stores for $30-40 all the time
  • Man, I'd be freaking furious if I had received that PS3. That thing ain't worth more than $50 in that condition. It's honestly a miracle it still works as well as it does. I see why they have those warranty stickers on them, since opening them up voids their warranty and they don't have to do crap even in these types of events.
  • Those super slim PS3s were actually cheaper than what theyre selling them for. When they were new.
  • I would dare to say this is a pretty final, ultimate nail in the DKOldies coffin, honestly. Thank you for covering the topic, guys.
  • @Mr_Mcfeely
    This is an absolute kill shot. All the negative press over the past few months and they get a relatively suspicious looking order asking for one of each of their consoles. Almost like someone might be gearing up for a massive review and they still send out worse than some of the original examples to start all of this. Gonna be hard to recover from these bigger channels calling them out.
  • @Dekomata
    this is why i stuck to ebay after gamestop stopped shipping retro stuff. the prices still stunk back when I didn't know any better. and after that i know too much, i knew not to ever buy anything for dkoldies for as long as their prices were that high. but since i know now that they don't bother cleaning their consoles unless its something like the gameboy (which is still far too overpriced), i would never buy anything from these guys. i know some peeps frown upon using ebay, but at least there you know the condition you're buying it, weither it works, and image of the console itself.
  • @TK_Assasin_Gamer
    I don't usually stay long for a video but you my guy I respect you💯🤞🏼
  • @whydrah
    The most mind blowing fact about this is how not one person found it suspicious that someone ordered that many consoles and that MAYBE someone was going to review how well they 'refurbish' their consoles. I came across DKOldies a few months back and was going to order a couple retro consoles and with all the heat they're getting, I'm glad I did not.
  • @erikpetermans
    Also notice the fact that even for THAT price they never give you a genuine controller with any console. I think (this is just a speculation) but I think they do this so they can also sell the original controller for extra money. So not only do they make a lot of profit on the console. They also resell the genuine controller for extra money
  • Definitely need to thank everyone that took the risk for us and I’m glad I researched before I bought anything from them I also nearly got scammed but didn’t purchase anything so saved myself the trouble 😭😂
  • @chrisg5352
    Shoutout to Rich from ReviewTech and ESPECIALLY Jacob R. For brining these issues to light. Y’all should definitely shoutout those channels cuz they did the hard work before anyone else
  • @dstr001
    The worst part? The fact that they seem to be deliberately putting their own warranty stickers on to discourage people from doing exactly this, because if you do and it is like this? Guess what, they can basically tell you to beat it and run off with your money because you voided their warranty.
  • @rhyswhite9690
    It's not just a problem, it is literally fraud. This is why I never buy refurbished. Either buy it second hand in good condition or learn to refurbish it yourself. Not only does it work out cheaper the majority of the time, it's actually very rewarding learning a new skill like this.
  • Well done totally agreed! They don’t actually refurbish a single thing or even clean it like they claim. They are literally lying to customers!