Meine Frau bittet dreimal die Woche darum, dieses Abendessen zu kochen! Rezept für Hähnchenschenkel!

Published 2024-04-22
My wife asks me to cook three times a week! Delicious recipe for chicken thighs!
Try this recipe! You have no idea what an incredibly tender and juicy chicken recipe the whole family will love. Prepare chicken this way and your whole family will be amazed by the incredible taste of this secret marinated chicken. Easy to make and incredibly delicious, this chicken drumstick recipe will become your favorite recipe that you'll want to make again and again.
12 chicken legs
1 teaspoon paprika
A few pinches of salt
30 ml vegetable oil
80 ml soy sauce
3 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon black pepper
4-5 cloves of garlic

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My wife asks me to cook this dinner three times a week! Delicious chicken breast recipe👇
   • Meine Frau bittet mich, dieses Abende...  

Your @DimainderKuch

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