Are you hypermobile? Try this quick test


コメント (11)
  • Hypermobility can show up in just one or two joints - like your knees or elbows. In some cases, it can also be indicative of a systemic soft tissue problem that affects multiple joints and even organs and other tissues. While all forms of exercise need to be treated with care if you’re hypermobile, yoga might be worth exploring as it’s generally gentle and well tolerated. Check with your doctor, of course, before starting something new. #hypermobile #ehlersdanlos
  • Thanks for bringing awareness. I have this condition and also do yoga frequently. In fact it's my favorite form of exercise. It is important to stay toned when you have this. You are describing the Beighton Scale and there are 9 things to look at. I was diagnosed without a genetic test. I also have automatic dysfunction, POTS and many other ailments all linked back to EDS. good luck to all that have this. The hardest poses for me are the balancing poses because my ankles are hypermobile and it's hard for me to go on one leg and maintain balance for long.
  • I’m hypermobile and afraid of doing any kind of exercise because very afraid to hurt myself, i try to work on my balance and it helps a little, so happy to see you talking about this ❤ could we get a longer video explaining best exercises for hypermobile people? 🙏🏻
  • Always impressed with your content and knowledge yes hypermobilty is ok as long as you can control your range. Matt the pilates teacher
  • @lizjones5918
    I can’t do the things you were just showing, but I have hyper mobility in my torso i.e. my ribs slip in and out of joint (extremely painful) I can do the splits even though I don’t train, my hips move up out of alignment very easily So maybe there are different variants I love following you but it’s hard to know your limitations
  • @gerhino7892
    i know that these are only signs that you MIGHT have the syndrom but i am pretty sure that the first two moves can also be achieved just by a good finger- and handstretching-routine.. i couldnt touch my arm with my thumb but now i can :)
  • @nourghafarji
    I like your content, can you do a video on how to stop pain on fingers joints and make them stronger
  • I had hypermobility with my scapula. Very Ugly to Watch. I can presse myself the 3 points on the scapula in thai massage.