"RETURN OF THE JEDI: A Bad Lip Reading"


コメント (21)
  • @Barncore
    "My emotional state... really isn't the greatest" HAHAHAHA
  • @HUBdbz
    "So wach y'all waaaahhn" "Say what now what now?"
  • Luke is really offended by his Father not acknowledging his shoes.
  • The difference between the light side and the dark side of the Force: The light side gives you a 15 second warning before force choking you.
  • "All these steps to go somewhere and I could just not walk and be farther "
  • “I want to learn magic!” “Wait, don’t shoot me in the hiney!” “Quick, teach me a spell.” “Roshotatahahachoshotakaiya!” “Chewie, write that down.” “Ahhhhhhh okayyyyyy.”
  • "In 15 seconds i'm gonna try to choke ya. You'd better run." It's the genuinity that he says it with that makes it so good.
  • "My feather isn't actually authentic. It's, um, plastic cheese." I'm dying
  • "Now you owe me a pet gerbil, twenty red ferns and an old megaphone! And 17 frogs!" Wow, Jabba's been eating lots of Han's stuff.
  • @yungjc2
    “I bet ya’d like a girlfriend, wouldn’t ya” - Palpatine, a caring listener.
  • that rattling sound from the saber - makes such a difference to that scene
  • @lacixiv
    “FYI all you single guys, my emotional stage isn’t the greatest” “Hmmm Hottie” bubble noises “yAh KnOw”
  • @detubeme
    "My emotional state... really isn't the greatest." - that's all I could think about when she showed up in Rogue One.
  • "Stranger danger, stranger danger!" "He kinda has this thing for horrifying things touching him."
  • @rklewis2
    "I've gotta go..." "Go where?" "Everywhere you don't." That is pure art.