Elon Musk 2008 SpaceX Presentation to The Hollywood Hill (PART 1)

Publicado 2015-02-12
On December 6, 2008, for The Hollywood Hill's holiday party (www.hhill.org) at the home of Victoria & Dennis Hopper, we hosted Elon Musk's first large SpaceX presentation to Hollywood with an assembled audience of 300 members from the film, television, and music industry. It was early days for SpaceX (and Tesla). The second guest presenter of the afternoon was Steve Squyres, Principal Investigator for the Mars Rover Exploration Mission. We're now publishing this informal video from of our archives for a fun look back into history.

The Hollywood Hill’s Executive Director Ariel Hauter kicks off the video with some updates on The Hollywood Hill’s new permanent event building and a mention of Armchair Revolutionary, the new crowdfunding platform also under development. That’s followed by a quick photo shoot with Ariel, Hollywood Hill Co-Founder Ori Neidich and venue host Victoria Hopper. Elon starts his talk at the 7:30 mark, first with an update on Tesla, and then into SpaceX. We had some fun with the event title (How To Shoot Your Next Film In Space) since he obviously began early on by attaching cameras to his rockets. Special thanks to our long-time volunteers for the day, Norman Gilmore, Berly Ellis, and Ina Burke, and Advisor/Donor Paris Hauter. And a fun shout out to Tosca Musk, Elon’s sister, who herself was probably in the audience as a Hollywood Hill member.

Original Event Invite:

Event Photos @Flickr:

Event Details...
Title: How To Shoot Your Next Film In Space
Date: December 6, 2008, 2:30-6:30pm
Venue: The Home of Victoria & Dennis Hopper, Venice, CA
- Elon Musk, Founder/CEO, SpaceX
- Steve Squyres, Principal Investigator, Mars Exploration Rover Mission, JPL/NASA

Description: Now that science fiction is becoming science reality, how does Hollywood's portrayal of space change? Elon Musk is at the forefront of space travel, having founded the first privately-held company to successfully launch - just months ago - a rocket into the earth's orbit. His next mission: deliver a payload to the international space station. Once that is accomplished, his company will be forging ahead with its grand plan of colonizing space over the next century. Join us for a discussion on the future of space travel and how filming "on location" may relatively soon include space. Followed by our Galactic-themed Holiday Party (costumes encouraged!).

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @jackli7831
    He has the rare ability to tailor his communication to the audience and not lose any bit of authenticity and genuineness.
  • @joostonline5146
    Nobody, including the host and entire setup, was taking him seriously back then
  • @kemueeel
    He gave this presentation 2-3 weeks before both Tesla and SpaceX were supposed to go bankrupt if NASA didn't award SpaceX with a $1.6B contract and if $40M in new funding wasn't provided to Tesla on Christmas Eve. This man is blessed.
  • @BlinkerBinker
    Weird to think that Elon's Tesla Roadster that is parked outside is now in space
  • @aaronharris2684
    No slides, no notes, no PowerPoint, no teleprompter - Just his pure intent, memory, the message he wants to convey and his brain being showcased in raw form
  • Guys remember, things take time.. it took ten years for him to bring SpaceX to what we see today.. Patience and hard work..
  • @AlbertoCadeddu
    Glad I’m living at the same time this human called Elon it’s alive
  • @misterg4059
    Elon is the GOAT but nobody knew that in 2008😂
  • @bdrobe2
    “I feel a bit like a Bond villain”… Elon truly was ahead of his time.
  • @petpillow
    from 100 cars to 5,000,000 cars, space and freedom of speech in just 15 years
  • @mp2229
    This guy was way ahead of his time even back then
  • @P1915
    Yes! Love watching this…learning of early years creating his flagship— Tesla. Yet only got to know of him after he bought Twitter/ now X. Fascinating to watch his growth..in so many different areas. He No longer needs a name tag…travels now with own Security detail. Lovely. Kudos and much ❤ to him.
  • @MarkyMark_
    Over a decade later, TSLA still doesn't give out dividends. A man of his word
  • This guy had always been very multidisciplinary knowledgeable and extremely dedicated. What a human!
  • @MoHawkAnakin
    He said he had 30 million left in the bank in 2008. It’s 2021 and he’s worth 179 billion dollars. That’s insane.