N: A nice guy done right

When deciding to analyze different color characters, I knew I wanted to talk about N from Murder Drones. I didn't really have much of a topic in mind for the video and kind of just gush about how much I love this cinnamon roll. But nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the video!

Special thanks to Rerewinding for making the thumbnail and end screen!

Irl/Vlog channel:    / @pinkpenguin404  
Gaming channel:   / @shiningbutterfly4  
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/shiningbutterfly4

コメント (21)
  • "Well I DON'T like N!!" N hands him a card. Opened up it reads "I'm sorry I couldn't get you to like me" "Oh I can't stay mad at you!! Bring it in here, ya Goob!"
  • @EVEYT-1
    I think that 90% of the fandom can mutually agree that N is the best (I'm in those 90%)
  • People see him more of a golden retriever but I see part of him as a "German" shepherd in the pilot
  • Uhm actually, It wasn't a hammer, it was a pickaxe 🤓 But yes we love N. He's a genuinely great character
  • Honestly, I think N is the most competent character in all of media with his type of character trope. In the beginning that isn’t very clear since he didn’t really have room for individuality back then, but after meeting Uzi, he really began to grow more into himself! He still remained super kind and was willing to open his heart to just about anybody, but when he could tell something was genuinely wrong with someone or if they were just being plain rude, he never hesitated to show them what for! Characters like him wouldn’t be given much of a chance to grow like that, to have a spotlight shone onto them, and would just remain the same old doormat/comic relief character that they were always meant to be. That’s why I like N. It isn’t only because he’s a golden retriever baby or that he’s like the only wholesome person in this show, but because he demonstrates genuine growth throughout the show without completely changing his entire personality. Honestly, if he were a therapist or a detective, he’d be the best in the entire world. No joke. (It helps that he’s a robot so he knows multiple different languages)
  • @pix31.
    I love how you didn’t just say ‘omg such a little dumb stupid brain-empty cinnamon roll what a cutie patootie’ and move on, you actually explained his character so frickkin well lol love ur voice btw
  • I wouldn’t be surprised if they somehow based N off a few dogs or something. On one hand, he’s an absolute sweetheart who wins the affection of just about anyone who meets him. On the other, he defends and protects those he’s loyal to and isn’t willing to lose anyone without a fight. Watching him in EP7 made me both shocked and almost a little proud, especially when he didn’t listen to Tessa. The character development he had was great. I can see why a lot of fans like him (he’s my second fave). He’s just so kind and fun to watch and write (when I decide to let him be the protag, lol).
  • @volt42re
    I love how Pokémon fans and Murder Drones fans both love their characters named N.
  • Underrated youtube channel spotted!? I'm glad you pointed out that N is smarter than we all give him credit for. He's not just some unaware dork, he considers things and underperforms on purpose. As for my favorite MD character, it's got to be J. When you first watch the series, she's just a mean corporate bootlicker who walks all over N. However, the more you watch, the more you figure out how much she's being manipulated by the solver. Imagine how earth-shattering it'll be when J realizes that she not only killed Tessa, her only friend, but she was answering to the very beast that killed her.
  • hhhhhhhhh the stupid amount of joy i get from watching analyses of my favorite character !! things like this give me so much energy for some reason i could bounce off the walls because of how much i love hearing people talk about md this was a wonderful video, i love N so muchhh (definitely not obvious from my pfp lol)
  • It's nice to see someone point that N isn't a complete idiot, despite what even he himself says about his intelligence. Small thing I would like to say though, I don't think the Solver likes N, his possessed sister, Cyn, definitely loves him (although it's really twisted in the present because of Solver corruption), but the Solver seems to absolutely despise N as shown in the ep5 basement scene where it takes offense to simply being called buddy, meanwhile Cyn is busy massacring the gala somewhere else.
  • also another thing to show that N is smart, literally in the pilot, N breaks in through the doors that are protecting the worker drones, and if I remember correctly, it’s said that V and J have been trying to get through those doors for MONTHS. AND HE GETS RIGHT THROUGH THAT IN THAT IN LIKE A SECOND. anyways do remember me as a og when you get famous
  • Ok, so forgive me for applying MBTI to a robot, but I can't NOT see N as a perfect example of an ENFP. The basic functions of the ENFP is Ne-Fi-Te-Si. Don't worry if this is confusing, I'll explain. His primary function would be Ne, Extroverted Intuition. I won't get into that because it's not really important here. His auxiliary function is Fi, Introverted Feeling. This means he relies heavily on emotion when making decisions. You don't often see how intelligent he is because of this- he often uses feelings above rationality. But that doesn't mean he's incapable of using logic or having intelligence. He's incredibly intelligent, in many ways. We see this the most in the horror scenarios where he applies logic to the situation. If something is dangerous, eliminate the danger (why do 99% of horror protagonists not understand that logic, again?). The only times emotions affect his logic is when those he cares about are involved. However, he was able to take a step back and analyze the Tessa situation and eliminate her once he'd realized she had been lying to him. Anyway I have no idea where I was going with this and I hope you enjoyed my Ted talk. Have a great day! <3