JOA hits back at mills remarks on official Allotment | SportsMax Zone

Published 2024-06-26

All Comments (21)
  • Jamaica is suffering from a deficit in leadership on every level!!
  • @fmawilli
    Mr. Mills was responding and expressing his disgust base on the revelation of the JAAA governing body misrepresenting the JOA.
  • Be honest about this... we are having the same kinds of problems with the JFF, the JCA... there is a problem with how management in sports see themselves...
  • @fmawilli
    Clearly there is a some form of animosity between the two federation heads.
  • This is embarrassing and I am also tired of these ppl who are in leadership positions whose ego is bigger than the size of Jamaica. Babsy Minister of Sports can't you have those two boys in a room without lunch just water & sort this out before the week ends. This shouldn't be making international news!!!!
  • This is untenable. Minister Grange must call both management teams in and ask that differences be worked out in the interest of the athletes. This airing of our dirty clothes in public is nonsense. We are the sprint capital of the world , stop the syntax and semantics JOA and JAAA. Ethics in sports also means good management. Look at the WADA and IOC codes and implement ethics in the management of our sports.
  • We need an adult in the room. This is ridiculous. There are no new ground being covered here. All of these things are governed or should be governed by protocols. It is evident that personal issues are in play here in addressing the interests of the athletes and that is unacceptable.
  • @faru6856
    Siiiigh! Place who at risk??? Afta anuh JOA nor JAAA aguh run, it's the damn athletes! Suh dem a guh play politrix wid the country's future and athletes in their personal malice????? Can someone tell me why any of them still holds an office???
  • This is not a good response at all , both sides are knit picking / casting blame and don’t seem to realize the main point which is to work together to find a resolution as soon as possible. By setting a meeting as quickly as needs be to resolve this bypass and move forward to meet each other on more positive ground to the benefit of the Jamaican athletes.
  • Rubbish, I have long held the view that a major part of Jamaica's problems in almost every arena is the lack of good management, judgment or, dear, I say leadership. This is just another case of this constant inability, it seems to just do the right thing with the MONEY!!!
  • JOA is uptown in the hills ...JAAA is downtown and is Jamaica...These uptown people are dual nationals or not even Jamaicans at all . They better be careful Jamaica don't fall on them...
  • Franno say it now Mr Mills the greatest coaches in the world stop making it hard for the coaches they are back an fort worse than a patty shop the female Maria said we are bless
  • Listen just one bag of back and fort I sent you they say they don’t receive and so on and so on just like a patty shop I can’t believe this sir Mills was not wrong I am disgusted
  • I believe the number of support staff alloted to the JAAA should not be based on the number of Olympians only. I think the disciplines should be taken into consideration as well. To based it only on number, you may have coaches not available, for example, in the throws, jumps etc. Dodd (shot putter) had that issue in one of the last international meet, if memory serves me right, that may have been the Tokyo Olympics.
  • The JOA refuse to collaborate that’s clear in the tone of that press release.
  • I’m still disappointed in both organizations. And the explanation about the number of coaches still doesn’t sit will with me. 17 officials to 70 athletes doesn’t sound reasonable. JOA knows that there is always a training camp so even if the communication wasn’t up to par they should be preparing to pay for something.
  • @edwa1130
    It's important to remember that the decisions made by these governing bodies have a significant impact on the performances of the athletes. It's crucial for them to prioritize the well-being and fair treatment of the athletes over personal agendas. This should be a global priority.
  • Minister Grange there are problems all across your ministry.