Hoax Hunter | Claims to Expose People Who Fake Illness

Published 2016-01-19
Taryn Harper Wright says she has cracked 17 cases of suspected illness fraud in the last three years.

All Comments (21)
  • "Why would someone lie about being sick?" For money, Jason. For money.
  • @ashleyyy1477
    im watching this while staying home from school because im faking being sick... please dont expose me to my mom
  • @aeromedical6750
    Jason is a medical miracle. He’s the only known person in medical history to survive stage IV brain cancer for more than 5 years.
  • “A mask they’d give you at an airport if you had a cough” .... this hurts in 2020
  • the fact that people lie about having serious illnesses is disgusting. we need more people like this woman.
  • @johnmonk66
    As a guy who went through Chemo twice, radiation daily for three months, and beat cancer, this sickens me. Rust in the blood? There is no such thing.
  • "I went to a university for forensic science" "I went to a police academy" "I read Nancy drew books."
  • @brutalerik87
    Why does the title say she "Claims to expose people"? When you show actual evidence of her successfully exposing people? Seems like thats not just a claim anymore...
  • @oxyroid
    “He has rust in his blood!” “How is it treated?” “Dialysis” IM DEADDD
  • @tumble0weed
    i want a documentary on this woman and all her cases, or a series. do the investigation and then go find them in real life, like catfish.
  • As someone who is blind and shares my life on the internet... this is so frustrating. I've been accused of "faking it" despite SO much proof and it's because of people who DO fake their illnesses than genuine people like me are accused of it. I do what I do in attempts to educate society about disability, since mainstream media has failed us with the misconceptions they perpetuate in their storytelling of disability. It's frustrating to think about the fact that these people can be sick online, yet live a normal life on the daily. I don't get to walk away from blindness, I LIVE it every moment of every day. I face discrimination, I face real world struggles of inaccessibility and I NEVER get to walk away from it. It's frankly offensive to turn illness or disability into a money-maker. I make the best of my situation, but it's FAR from easy and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
  • Guy: “It’s not cancer, but a brain condition called Muchausen-“ Me: “By Proxy.” Guy: “By Internet.”
  • @eilissmith8591
    He looked remarkably well for someone with multiple cancers. Shame on them.
  • @stegil56
    We had to use Go Fund Me in 2015 when my wife was hospitized for four months after somehow contracting a skin eating bacteria and gangrene. I too am on disability and her sick time ran out. Without Go Fund Me and family we would have lost everything! This is appalling and I hope anyone guilty of this goes to prison!
  • My biggest take away from this is that they hand out masks at the airport.
  • They said his cancer started with a c. If I were her, I’d ask if he has cervical cancer. If he says yes, he’s lying.
  • @dms-mt4dr
    Most ppl who are sick don't ask for money they battle it painfully and silently
  • “High velocity of complaints” means that the complaints were moving very quickly.