15 Facts that are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to Believe!

Publicado 2023-03-04
Just 15 facts. But they're SHOCKING!

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00:00 Intro
00:12 Nearness of space
00:58 Falling to the center of the Earth
01:34 The speed of tsunamis
02:13 The MASSIVE Pacific Ocean
02:52 The INSANE pressures of Challenger Deep
03:59 The minimum temperature
04:30 Dividing by zero
05:27 The loudest heartbeat
06:01 Dolphins are the smartest
07:12 Dogs sense smell is INSANE
07:35 Humans are really efficient
08:32 Swifts are even more efficient
08:54 Your bones are all lopsided
09:19 Snails are sleepyheads
09:34 Languages go extinct
09:57 Outro

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MrLegendGaming
    I was already loving this video until the ending "I got Gen-Z to watch 10 minutes of SCI-" I DIED LAUGHING LMAO
  • @MrBendybruce
    I think it is interesting to note that by surface area the Earth does indeed seem to be engorged with water, but by volume only a tiny fraction of the Earth consists of this incredible life giving substance.
  • Fact #7 has a bit missing. It's true that as the divisor approaches 0, the answer approaches infinity. However, if we did this on the negative side, where say, we divided by -1, and approached 0 from there, the answer would instead approach negative infinity. This means that dividing something by 0 would grant us both positive infinity and negative infinity, which doesn't make that much sense, which is why we call it undefined. I suppose you could say that this makes sense as 0 and -0 are the same, but I'm not sure about that. Overall, I find the topic of dividing by 0 to be very interesting :D
  • @hoodio
    corrections: it's just kelvin, not degrees kelvin and the eye actually doesn't work in fps, it just sees a continous stream of data, every single cone and rod cell have their own "refresh rate" overlapping with every other cells "refresh rate"
  • @meltingzero3853
    A caveat to your fact about zero dividing: 2 divided by 0 will go to infinity only if you start at a positive denominator and approach. If you started at 2/-1 and kept stepping closer to 2/0, you would go to negative infinity.
  • @Mr94Productions
    The transitions were smooth af! I found the 11 fact to be the most interesting one, although I'd love to read more about it via a scientific article or whatever I can get my hands on.
  • @bigj-live
    It would be great if you could provide a document attached in the description for citing sources. Great vid
  • @TheAstroG
    you are underrated Af. Hope you will grow much further!
  • @russB0B
    AMAZING video man, truly one of its kind i know of, in terms of format, transitions, truly unbelievable info.
  • @seantron5291
    Dolphins are some of the most intelligent animals on the planet, but not quite as intelligent as humanity in my opinion. Our society is far more advanced than dolphins, and we’ve achieved so much in our fairly short time on the planet so far. People seem to underestimate just how many incredibly things humans have been capable of doing that no other organisms can. However, I say humanity as in humanity as a whole are smarter than dolphins. There are definitely people out there dumber than dolphins 😂
  • @CielMC
    4:28 Hey! Degrees is only for Celsius and Fahrenheit, it's just "zero kelvin", not "zero degrees kelvin"
  • @entized5671
    I‘m so glad that getting into trains has made me able to roughly convert km and miles. When 120mph was said I knew this was the speed that a lot of trains travel at so ~200kmph, yay!
  • @Nemileanu
    thanks for poasting i love ur videos
  • @BirksyChillz
    i did it, i got a gen-z to watch 10 minuets of science 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • @MawanCH
    What an incredible punchline on the outro hahahaha