The Last of Us Part 2: Unraveling the Gaming Community's Divide

Published 2024-03-19
#thelastofus #thelastofuspart2 #thelastofuspart2remastered

This game is quite possibly the most controversial game to hit the shelves in the past 10 years (or so). Talk about splitting a fan base. I identified five big controversies in the game while playing and reading up on it, but I'm curious if YOU have found others that I missed. Leave it in the comments below if you did!

All Comments (6)
    Thanks for the share of this game. Enjoyed watching it....have a great gaming week....full watch for you
  • AYO I'm not watching this video 'cause of spoilers, but... ENGAGEMENT BBY.
  • Another controversial part of the game was when you had to fight Ellie. That also angered a lot of people. Some players became so emotionally invested in the characters of Joel and Ellie that they fell prey to the sunk cost fallacy. They'll grasp at any reason to hate on Abby even though their best argument is easily debunked. Some players were angry about the fact that Ellie didn't kill Abby at the end because they couldn't let go of their own hurt feelings. There were also a number of people who take issue with Abby's muscularity and Lev's gender identity because they can't stand to play a video game with "politics" that they disagree with. The mere existence of LGBTQIA+ representation offends their delicate sensibilities. I don't know if you saw the video of that guy from Heel vs. Babyface freaking out about the fact that Starfield lets the player pick their preferred pronouns, despite the fact that it's a completely optional thing that automatically defaults to whatever the sex of the character is. It would be a legitimate complaint to say that TLOU2s marketing was deceptive, and the game did have some pacing issues, but overall, I'd give it a 9/10.