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GeekEKitten & Elkamist Gaming

740 subscribers

About GeekEKitten & Elkamist Gaming

This is a safe space for gamers of all types. Although we dabble in many genres for our streams, our primary focus is on RPGs - specifically RPG character builds! Baldurs Gate 3 was the inspiration behind this idea, as evidenced by how many builds we've done for it, but we are looking into other RPGs with robust character building systems so that we can expand on this. Although RPG builds, especially BG3, are aplenty on YouTube, there was a gap when it came to specific character builds. Everyone is so focused on min-maxing, creating the ULTIMATE multi-classer, or the ULTIMATE pyro-wizard - you get the idea. We focus on bringing your favorite fictional characters to "life" via lore-friendly builds. Have a specific character in mind? Leave a comment!

Please consider joining our Discord community!

Streaming Schedule:
Murder Mystery/RPG Sundays 1PM EST
Horror/Wildcard Wednesdays 8PM EST
Series Fridays 1PM EST

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