Benzodiazapine is nasty drug/addiction - when you stop (valium addiction)

Published 2013-02-06
Just a test vid - I'm 7 month off benzo's after 15yrs - say no to benzo's or get off soon

All Comments (21)
  • The addiction never goes away after years of benzo abuse, pretending you're ok becomes part of your every day life. It's the fact you know you're dealing with it , is how you get by. Been a good few years since I stopped, and I can say with honesty that if I was offered a few blues today I might say yes. Looking like a normal functioning human is how everyone else appears to you, ex-valium addicts need to act normal and hope they're pulling it off. I still get that social awkwardness, though I know people have no clue the shit I'm answering in my own head. I started hiking again after years of ignoring my self worth. Try to find a bright side of yourself each day , aim to take sunshine when it's available , drink water when you're thirsty, try to plan for the next day with someone who has the slightest clue how you feel. Learning to not let yourself down is difficult, but as you come off these pills it gets easier not to let others down. RESPECT to all you fighting to be your own self.
  • @sirwin7854
    Unbelievable the stuff they prescribe under the label of "help".
  • @Shadowx011
    You seem to be an exact replica of myself. We are both going through the exact same things here. I hope you are getting better and I am so grateful for your existence in this World. I feel so alone...I mean so alone and I am so full of love and hearts me inside so much. I am so sorry for what you are going through and it is so wonderful that you have shared all your videos .
  • great effort mate . outstanding , hope your still well and good luck
  • @martinduffy6422
    Thanks bud you have done well sorry you feel these terrible withdrawls from benzo,s hope you continue to get better
  • Please please keep making videos. You’ve helped me tremendously already and I’ve just found your channel. I’ve been on Valium for 5 years and cut down from 15mg to 2.5mg in the last 2 years or so… didn’t realize so much of what I was going through was related to the Valium WDs. Cheers mate, hope you’re well.
  • @HB-ve4wi
    Thanks for that Mark. Trying to understand my mum who went through it when I was a kid. All best on your journey, mate.
  • Good vid off 7 months after a 20 yr run of valium.. ive had every symptom of withdrawal you had...thanks, it makes me feel better hearing you explain things.. i thought alot of the mind stuff was just me..Its been 7 months since my last dose and still got the anxiety panic stuff going on.. but has gotten alot better in the last couple months..hope your doing well...
  • @marcstarr9407
    Thanks Mark, good job. Its an evil journey that is for sure. Ive kicked many things but this has been the hardest on my brain and body by far. Its been 5 and a half months off and Im still struggling. The rehab took me off 4mg of klon and 3mg of xan a day, they took me off in 4 days , a detox they called it, I look back on it as a near death experience, Hell all I can do is laugh about it now, at least I didnt have another seizure, have had 4 seizures in the past trying to cold turkey in the past, bad choice, always taper- anyway glad you are stabilizing, I cant wait to look back on this nightmare when Im healed. Thanks again- marc*
  • @AxeLady66
    Thanks for sharing your experience! I was on benzos for over 10 years. I've been off for 4 years and I'm still recovering. I had no idea how bad the withdrawal could be. I'm glad I'm off of them.
    I'm glad you made it through hell... i'm 2yrs benzo free and my life is completely back to normal, but it took a very long time for my brain to function properly and the memory loss is kinda sad! nice video... peace and aloha... coco
  • @hammerdown9911
    thank you and others for posting. without them I had no idea why I thought I was going insane. I was in a psychotic state of mind and had no idea about withdrawal symptoms .I did not use it for a "high" it was a legit reason. now im in hell. this has crippled me. you don't realize it until the damaged is done . im only in day two of my new awareness. it looks like a long road ahead from what I have heard from you and others. I never got a " kick" from using it , now I need it to stay alive.
  • @davidwalker8678
    this is so true what u are saying, the thoughts beat me once and I took a nervous breakdown
  • @1trentongregory
    I'm a hard working guy that ... At nine months has like you been through hell and most symptoms you speak of . I hope to have learned something and thanks for telling it like it is!! Thankyou
  • @hanghang71
    well done for telling people who just started to stop,i hope everything is going ok for you
  • All I can say from watching these vid and reading a few comments is, To smoke medical cannabis, I haven't been addicted to valium (did get giving some, tried it, nothing for me, but I was addicted to sleeping pills for 4 mouths after court making me not stop cannabis, worst few months of my life. I started taking them everyday, the doctor would still give me scrip's. when I was in it I never sleeped at night, micro sleep every where. Decided to smoke BUSH cannabis again, And I have never felt better then I ever had. Nice video Mark
  • @Mwink1975
    You are so right & on point, great vid & keep 'em coming!! :-D
  • really good mark you should be proud f yourselv and that was a really good vid....I had a tear in my eye watching it.iv been on benzos for 10 years trying so hard to get of them im down to 5 mg a day but sometimes take more at weekends.i am quit fit and train mma every night and have a title fight at the weekend.but I still cant stop this crazy habbit.nobody understands.any tips for cutting down pal?hammy peace:)
  • @zuditaka
    Good on ya! I got off oxazepam, and it's been 32 years now. Benzos don't relax, at all, in the end, do they? They have exactly the OPPOSITE effect. I'm glad you are coming out the other side, and recreating yourself. Thanks for making your video! ;)