How Long Do Benzo Withdrawals Last?

Published 2021-01-21
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Benzodiazepine aka Benzo withdrawal symptoms can be quite painful and even life-threatening at times. Let's discuss the Benzo detox and withdrawal timeline.
I made this entire Benzodiazepine playlist for you ➡️    • What Are Benzodiazepines? | A Doctors...  

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#benzo #withdrawals #benzodiazepines

All Comments (21)
  • Benzo withdrawal was the most horrific suffering Ive ever endured. Beyond description.
  • @yes55504
    Benzo withdraw last as long as it takes your CNS takes to repair the damage the drug has done. No one can give you a definite answer on how long it lasts, because it's all individual. This drug should be banned.
  • I was in klonopin 9 years, detoxed in 2012. It was terrible. Only thing I could do is lay there in my own misfortune, psychosis, and nerve pain. Well, I’m 10 years off, and I’m healed! Around month 16 is when I took a turn for the better. You will get through this! I’m not a strong person either, just made it through humbly.
  • @buckjackson7328
    I can't explain to you how nice it is seeing a doctor acknowledge protracted withdrawals. Was the most painful experience of my life by far. Thank you for recognizing this.
  • @zoosolo4779
    I remember feeling as though I was being burned alive inside and out for months. I remember feeling like fire ants were stinging me all over my body. I remember my mouth and teeth burning. I remember the feeling of bugs and worms crawling on and under my skin. I remember the losing the ability to talk. I remember not being able to drive anymore. I remember having psychosis. I remember not knowing who I am or where I live. I remember thinking I was being held hostage. I remember being terrified to go anywhere. I remember when I couldn't walk. I remember crushing anxiety. I remember when I could not stop pacing for 4 1/2 months 12 / 14 hours a day. I remember hugging myself crying out all night long begging for someone to help me. I remember always saying please help me. I remember crawling in the yard not knowing what was happening to me. I remember being in a different dimension than the rest of the world. I remember laying on the floor kicking my legs and arching my back as my family watched and could do nothing. I remember laying on the floor for 6 months. I remember learning to sleep in a bed again. I remember losing my job. I remember feeling forsaken. I remember feeling like I was laying in cactus all the time. I remember being submerged in the bath with only my nose out of the water trying to stop the burning. I remember nothing helps. I remember being terrified and not knowing why. I remember losing bodily functions. I remember thinking I would be this way forever. I remember wanting to die. I remember praying to die. I remember the hissing Jet airplane inside my head. I remember my feet feeling like they were being boiled in water every day. I remember not sleeping for six days. I remember being up all night every night. I remember the Doctor that told me it should only take two weeks. I remember being in agony for 9 months. I remember my scale. I remember tapering. I REMEMBER 60 MONTHS AGO THAT I WAS FINALLY FREE FROM 13 YRS OF BENZODIAZEPINES. I WILL FORGET ALL THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME. I WILL NOT BE RULED BY FEAR ANYMORE. I WILL NOT BE HELD CAPTIVE BY A DOCTOR ANYMORE. I STILL SUFFER.
  • @Sears111
    Finally a doctor that knows what he’s doing! Not many like him out there.
  • @johnsterman77
    I’m always amused when I hear that one should withdraw from benzos “under medical supervision,” when many, perhaps most doctors, don’t recognize protracted withdrawal as a real phenomenon. Short of finding a sympathetic doctor, you’re on your own — for years!
  • @jeffha4057
    I wish there were more Doctors like you. I'm amazed that so many doctors don't understand that withdrawals can last for years.
  • @carlyrobles8725
    Thank you so much for posting this. I really needed to see it. If I ever get enough money I’m coming to you for help. I’m so mad my insurance won’t take you. You seem to be one of the few doctors that understand all of this. Too many doctors prescribe these medications like they are candy and just leave people on them. Hopefully one day I can get off them.
  • You have to go at your own pace. I appreciate that this guy understands this when so many don’t. A feeling of personal empowerment and control / safety is important for the individual looking to make a full recovery. Great video.
  • @Postthisvideo
    Dr B does a great job of putting a lot of complex issues into laymans terms that are u derstandable to most of us.
  • Dr. B seems like he is one of the best doctors, who deals with not only addiction but also addresses the best way for a person who needs to be on some of these medications to manage and take them the correct way.
  • @rabeealwan174
    Oh wow… a doctor who actually acknowledges that tapering should have different time frames depending on how long and dosage the person used? Also, openly admits that “we need to realize that some people will be on it for long term or life but at a safer dose.” Need more docs like you.
  • @MrsATX
    Sober from alcohol since 2012, narcotic pain meds since 2016, heard benzo withdrawals even worse. God bless all ❤❤
  • Thank you everyone for all the comments it made me realize and remember what I went through coming off klonopin and suboxone after many years on high doses. I did a 30 day stint in jail cold turkey before I finally got off completely and almost died. I had several seizures and could barely talk. I could barely tell the doctor what year it was and who the president was.. I was trippn balls!! I will never ever forget that experience and thank you God I recovered from that.
  • Great information Dr. B Wish there were more HONEST Dr's such as yourself! Best video I've seen on this topic.
  • @BflyMom_212
    Thank you Dr. B ! You hit on several very important points in this video that so many of Us are going through due to either being cut off a Benzo or not being tapered slowly enough. Many wind up in Protracted Withdrawal for months to years and it is inhumane. It's not living. Pure Hell. Very informative video. Thank you Doctor for truly understanding it's REAL !!!