(Everyday)/End of the World (sketch)

Published 2020-06-20
"Going home, Day is done
All alone, Nobody's come

Far away across the isles
Your apathy and fear wear autostatic smiles
Feels like the end of the world
Feels like the end of the world

Far away or next to me
It's still not as dark as it's about to be
For all the noise we hear, for all we'll ever see
Funny how the cataclysm feels just like ennui
but it's the end of the world
guess it's the end of the world...

So tired of the end of the world
Everyday, the end of the world..."

* * * * * * * *
This is a sketch--we only got a single take of each instrument (checking the levels) but both programs i was using to record had either latency or gain/level problems that made recording the other layers just not worth the hassle... My son was learning-as-we-recorded but i think his guitar style nails it. What's missing are the percussive and the brighter melodic textural layers over the last two minutes, which i could've done in 10 minutes on a tape recorder, but not in 12 hours on Audacity :P But it's meant to live in the vein somewhere between Tom Waits and Thom Yorke i guess.
All i want is an analogue 4 track, seriously.

(Also, if anyone wants to donate of their own skill set and help me record any of these and spare me/turn this into what it's supposed to be, by all means HOLLA at a girl!!!!!) I'm Ingrid Fong-Daley on FB too, I Mei on flickr, and a mess no matter where you find me, but we can still has fun :)

All Comments (4)
  • And the amazing Andrew Harrison Fong (my son) on guitar, who was hearing me play this for the first time and just sitting down to learn the chords, but I sorta just recorded that take of him improvising and ran with it. :) I think he sounds awesome. The updated version is just called "End of the World" but it's missing the drums still. Also, the mellotron is missing because i don't own one. :P :)