i sings: a timid anthem (musical reaction)

Published 2021-01-24
i sings to myself, an anthem of the Outcast--(obviously a solo) :)

Because i've consumed so much music in my life, i would never be able to honestly do a first-reaction video to most songs/movies/tv shows. But I watch a lot of other #reactivists and I love the idea that songs get extended life from being re-exposed by people who actively, genuinely are feeling and loving the music--a legitimate, in-the-moment, emotional reaction. It brings music and artists and ideas to new generations and cultures. It bonds superficially disparate groups through the common language of their shared emotions/experiences. New contextualisation of an old context.

So I've started looking up songs i've never played before and just begun taping myself while i sight-read, to see what my emotional response is and how that translates into whatever subconsciously comes out of my fingers and my mouth/voice. Ultimately, I think I'm trying to find "my voice" (?) because i spent all my life with mimicry. Which i LOVE! No disrespect to the great art of impressions/parodies/re-creations that rely heavily on accuracy and precision for success. It's still my very favourite thing to do, and it's fun to do when others are around to participate. :)

But after 'losing' my skills for so long (post-#TBI), and never having had a strong identity before that, i've been on this quest to help me discover if "i" have a voice at all. I affectionately call it #PeterSellersSyndrome because he's the only person i could ever identify as having this problem to the same degree. Since i was small, it just felt like i have no personal voice. People asked me to sing, and I'd say 'which voice'? I don't guess it occurred to me to even consider that i had one of my own.

So any videos in this series, I'm basically following a 'mood' through a song--to see how the song makes me feel, how the words and tonalities make me 'react' in real-time to whatever comes next. I wouldn't really call them covers, honestly. Though maybe if it seems like people like the idea, I'll go back and record a 'real' #cover of these songs where i'm paying attention to overall structure vs the straight gut-reaction version. But this feels weirdly 'educational' to me, and people keep telling me to stop stopping myself and just 'post it' already cuz other people might like it.
Though my son says the ending i put to this song (the last un-chord) is both cruel and tragic to the listener. If traumatised, or if your confusion lasts more than 4 hours, call your doctor and discontinue use.

So here it is--my version of a #music #reaction.
A possible #strangenrare series in-the-works, #isings.


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