Steve Jobs 2015 Movie Last Scene

Published 2016-03-04
Steve Jobs 2015 Movie Last Scene - The moment Steve stops the world to make way for her daughter Lisa. An emotional moment for a man who values work so much and a daughter who was always longing for her father... A must watch for those, who understand Steve Jobs even fractionally...

All Comments (21)
  • @gcHK47
    Wozniak watches the presentation because, as he said, “that’s what friends do”.
  • @tdizz88
    When he says "I'm poorly made" sums up his past you learn about and the reason why he's obsessed over trying to make his products the best they can be so it's him living vicariously , such a great film.
  • @i_7274
    “I’m gonna put a thousand songs in your pocket “ frick I love that line
  • @aidanfilms702
    Danny Boyle knows how to find the perfect songs for scenes.
  • it's a travesty this wasn't even nominated for Best Screenplay at the Oscars. "I'm poorly made"--one of the greatest lines ever.
  • While everyone seems to have their favorite moment in this scene, mine was when Jobs handed his daughter a copy of her design on the LISA, and she finally realized that the Jetson's Easy-Bake Oven was actually based on her design. Beautiful.
  • @xMrDavid2112x
    I love how this entire scene ties up the themes of this movie. Throughout the entire film, Steve is pursuing perfection through his products. In this final scene he admits that he is poorly made. This ties into an earlier scene with Scully where he admits that he was "given back" implying that he feels that was never good enough to being with. These final scenes give us an interesting interpretation of Jobs. This movie portrays him as a man who pursued perfection in his products yet was aware of his own flawed, imperfect nature. His solution? To ignore any attempt to reconcile his flawed nature and instead focus on what he can control. It's only in this final scene where he embraces his imperfection at the last possible moment. He has his epiphany at the 11 hour. He grows up at midnight.
  • @Zoroasto1
    Amazing director. Amazing lead actor. Amazing script. Amazing movie.
  • @neo-anderson
    The grown up Lisa is on screen for fraction of the movie but her line delivery is so powerful. Leaves quite an impression.
  • It's actually REALLY meaningful that he wants to put a thousand songs in her pocket. For the first time, he's genuinely trying to make her life better.
  • @vishesh9516
    That split second garage scene-gets me everytime.
  • @shree_7097
    In the last few seconds of the scene there's just a father walking towards his child n not a super successful entrepreneur. Brilliant execution!
  • @xcalabur18
    "I'm poorly made"...Jesus Christ, that cuts deep. What an astoundingly well-written scene.
  • @danmann861
    I absolutely love that little moment in the brief garage flashback where he is pacing and briefly stops to say “Woz” with a little bit of a quiver in his voice.
  • @andohish27
    This whole scene breaks my heart. His ego won't let him completely realize or admit that what he did to her was ultimately wrong but his "I'm poorly made" is his way of saying "I'm sorry for what I did to you". And his "I'm gonna put 1000 songs in your pocket" is his way of making up for it by helping her life a little bit. At least thats what it meant for me. Beautiful movie.
  • @abhiu2398
    People who say this film only demonises Jobs are idiots, or they were watching a different film altogether. In both 1984 and 1988, we see Jobs being obsessed with starting on time and being an asshole to Lisa. In 1984, he denies that Lisa is even his daughter, and in 1988, he refuses to engage with her when all she wants to do is talk to him about computers and hang around to watch his presentation. In 1998, he not only doesn't care if the presentation starts on time, but he delays it on purpose because he wants Lisa to stick around and watch it. His heartfelt acknowledgement that he's poorly made is his way of apologising for how he used to behave. The film ends with him standing on the stage bathed in his fans' adulation, but he only has eyes for his daughter. That shows just how much he has changed. How is this a demonisation? People need to think twice before judging something.
  • The last scene where Steve Jobs walks toward Lisa saying “I’m gonna put a thousand songs in your pocket” is just incredible.