How To Heal Your Emotional Trauma & Past Wounds w/ Dr Frank Anderson

Published 2021-12-28

I SEE it in your messages. I HEAR it when I talk to people. And SOCIAL MEDIA and the NEWS are filled with stories every day of people struggling to stay afloat.

So often, we find ways to compromise as a means of living with our psychological pain and deep-seeded trauma. Many of us have been doing it for years.

But collectively, I don’t think we’re doing enough HEALING.

Especially lately, as the pandemic has turned our entire world upside down. We’ve done our best to cope amid loved ones getting sick or dying, losing our jobs and identity, battling isolation, and an all-consuming fear of the future.

This week’s guest, DR. FRANK ANDERSON is a psychiatrist who has extensively studied pain and trauma. He has made it his lifelong quest to help others heal by integrating his knowledge of neuroscience and trauma treatment with Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy.

His new book, TRANSCENDING TRAUMA, explores a unique, compassionate, and evidence-based approach to resolving dissociative trauma.


Do you want to regain the ability to CONNECT WITH and LOVE OTHERS on a deeper level?

Are you ready to help others UNDERSTAND why they’re traumatized and what you can do to help them?

Aside from the obvious BENEFITS of why it’s important to heal, until you learn to do so and take active steps to heal from trauma, there’s no way you can be the BEST POSSIBLE spouse, parent, friend, co-worker, or achieve the HIGHEST DEGREE OF SUCCESS in your career or personal life.


And as Dr. Anderson reveals to us, it’s a WORTHY INVESTMENT in ourselves.

0:48 Intro
1:39 Why is there a high percentage of unhappy people?
3:40 How would Dr. Frank describe PTSD?
5:40 What happens to us when trauma happens
8:25 Can spaces also be triggers of trauma?
10:01 Why there's a stigma around therapy
11:59 Evaluating your own trauma
13:12 The 8 C's of self-energy
18:38 Does forgiveness fall under self-compassion?
20:46 The gifts and burdens of our coping mechanism
24:48 How do you know if you have PTSD?
29:37 How to interact with someone with PTSD
33:39 What is a corrective emotional experience?
37:00 How to give yourself corrective emotional experience
40:24 Having anxiety & fear when making decisions
43:22 Dealing with negative people in unavoidable gatherings
50:48 When people attach their identity to their trauma

#trauma #healing #emotions #selflove #changeyourlife #childhoodtrauma #healyourlife

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   / @edmylettshow  




#EdMylett #Motivation

All Comments (21)
  • “Each time you treat yourself kindly, you’re giving yourself a corrective experience”. ❤
  • This hits home for me..the cycle of “Trauma blocks Love, but Love heals Trauma!” That is POWERFUL. Thank you Ed and Dr. Frank Anderson. Really appreciate you guys!
  • Agree. That's exactly why relationships don't work - all the voids. As said, one 'wants a partner not a project'. When ppl come in with their baggage, they're 'projects ... not partners.' Attraction is the similarity of wounding. Interesting... Great interview
  • Every family has a person who breaks the chain of poverty. I hope you will be that person!
  • Wow I don’t think it’s an accident I found you this morning, I needed to hear this
  • @4Himalways
    “Our wounds are looking for redemption unless they’re healed.” 😳 Wow!! Let THAT soak in and the series of events/patterns will make sense. HUGE!! Ed, thank you for doing what you do! Be blessed while you bless!
  • Nailed it with “ people are so afraid of feelings - theirs and others! Most fear is inability to tolerate emotions ..” so true! With childhood trauma it’s probably because we weren’t taught to accept , process and manage feelings- especially strong ones or “ negative” ones! I came from a stoic family - feelings weren’t validated or even really allowed!
  • @NathalieLazo
    Hey YOU, incredible person reading this...The truth is you are confident and good enough already with who you are, where you are at and what you have right now to have the success you want in life. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn that skill and go after it! I believe in you so much! Have an awesome day! - Love, Nat ❤️
  • @sostinkinhappy
    This might be one of the most important podcasts you have ever produced. Thank you for bringing Dr. Anderson's important message to the world.
  • @joannav.3602
    This is absolutely profound! I can’t tell you how many times I “rewound” this. Especially when it comes to how we act/react and it’s often done in a way to protect our own wounds. Wow.
  • @Nitronerd
    Wow, Ed. Perfect timing. As I was praying and asking for help. Exactly what I need. Thank you for loving us and presenting relevant content for folks like me. Friends, BE HEALED.
  • Happy holidays gentlemen!! I just want to say that the BIGGEST challenge and lesson of entrepreneurial ambition is CHANGE. U cannot become something different if u are not willing to outgrow and change the things that hold us in perpetuity and mediocrity. This is the part of the journey I’m on now....✌🏾💜🙏🏾, realizing my scars and my past do NOT define me and actively looking for ways to heal and move forward.
  • @ryanackert1536
    I was literally praying in the shower about getting help today dealing on this. Not an hour ago. Then bang insight from world class professionals packed with actionable advice. I'm very grateful. Thank you both! I'm off to audible to get the book!
  • @abbydollars8679
    I came to YouTube today to research PTSD for some self triage / self care Without typing anything on the search field , this video was populated on my home page An accident or coincidence ? I think not .... Thank you Ed Mylett for caring enough about the rest of us - to continue putting out this content . I am one person whose life is forever changed (for the better) because of your effort. Much love my brother ❤️
  • @DemetriPanici
    "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson
  • @PeterHorrill
    Brother Ed, this is a parallel narrative to "Agape Love"; which of course is UNconditional love. So many pearls of wisdom spoken and shared there.. thankyou! It's like a manifesto of "Spiritual Economics", I realized upon reflection.. so good Ed! I love the last pearl of wisdom Frank shared when he commented that everyone has an infinite spirit of infinite possibilities, AND we all have trauma too. ie: we all bring our good AND our bad with us wherever we go.. that TRUTH that whever you go, there YOU are is universally true, and to the degree we can give ourselves an emotional self correction. Very profound! #Grateful #Thankful
  • @shaunawhite586
    I have listened to video after video, podcast after podcast, on and off for years, searching for an answer to why I feel the way I feel. I have never had a message resignate so deeply in me like this video did. I genuinely had an awakening, actually several awakenings in this hour-long video. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this video!
  • @paulsp1ano
    This is so good, thanks for having Dr. Frank Anderson on!
  • @bonnie-david
    Our wounds are looking for redemption, unless they are healed. I am getting the book. Self-forgiveness is my greatest challenge. Thank you Ed and Dr. Anderson 😊