Here's the Mindset and the Process for Healing Problems Caused by Past Trauma

Published 2023-04-30
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With SO many approaches to changing your life, what's the best way forward for people who experienced trauma as children, and are still held back by CPTSD symptoms? In this "best of" compilation, I teach about the mindset and the step-by-step process that helps you heal from the neurological injury of trauma, the emotional wounds and the psychological barriers that sometimes trap traumatized people within trauma-driven problems.

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All Comments (21)
  • @MD-ok2oo
    As a woman I feel I’m running out of time. I can’t bear the thought of having children because I’m not healed. And yet I don’t think I’ll be healed in time to start the process. Turning 40 this year and feeling grief in advance for the next years to come.
  • @pamthepainter
    I walked away from a 40 year bad friendship 3 yrs ago
    Best thing I ever did for myself. I'm 66 and I'm done with bad people.
  • @tomtbi
    I think healing is a lifelong project....
  • @FigaroHey
    This woman is saying such PRACTICAL and helpful information. It took me DECADES to figure these things out through prayer and spiritual direction. I hope that young people who had bad childhoods are watching these videos and taking this lady's words to heart because she's nailing it time after time. If you are young and hear yourself in the behaviors she's describing, by all means GET TO WORK as soon as possible. I only wish it had not taken until my fifties to make these discoveries and get beyond these attitudes - thinking that 'later' I will make all the right choices and have the ideal life; or letting people who are long dead still 'pull the trigger' instead of seeing MYSELF as the one who can choose to be triggered or not! Letting myself have nice clothes, nice things, nice experiences is OK - spending money on myself is OK. It was only in 2019 that I learned about narcissists and why I seem to be a narc-magnet - and to realize that It's OK for me to ghost a narcissist and feel GOOD about being rid of that kind of person in my life. Sorry for the ramble, but SHE'S RIGHT. LISTEN to her! Don't wait! Let your life begin!
  • @jbr84tx
    I really like that your main focus is on helping people get free. You don't push for donations or membership subscriptions, and you offer real help that doesn't require money - just time and commitment.
  • @sylvias.3380
    The collapsing part triggers me. I think it’s totally okay to quit relationships to people who are not good for me.
  • I feel like the older I get, the more I isolate myself. My youth is gone, I wasted it focusing on all the wrong things and now I just feel like I putter through my days in depression waiting to leave this place. Never have belonged here....I'm exhausted from trying to fix me with no real gain, only that I see it all to clearly in myself. The abuse I experienced as a child at the hands of my mother and abandonmentof my father are locked down, I cannot imagine being different for every time I try, the mask comes off and I die a little more. I'll never trust people again with that kind of vulnerability....never.
  • I was bulimic from 16 to 22. Anorexic from 22 to 30. Got clean. Got help. Helped myself by researching topics like yours. Thank you
  • @sillyr493
    Here’s what I do. I take the pause but then I don’t go back and talk about it. It is so painful for me to be unheard. And I have fear of the reaction of the other person
  • Thank you! You are the first online coach/ therapist that articulates cptsd in a way that is real with practical , doable steps to heal a person! I just want to say a BIG Thank you!!! ❤❤
  • @tomtbi
    I'm working on eating healthier and have been going to Weight Watchers for a year.. and I have lost 50 pounds and I am proud of that achievement as well as all of the model car kits I have built successfully since I rediscovered the Model Car Building hobby 2 years ago ..
  • Wow! I just recently had a therapist tell me to 'feel my feelings' instead of what I was doing, which was cleaning. 'Feeling my feelings' was not the problem, the problem was I was feeling 'too much'/overwhelmed. I am the one who decided to get back into meditation and using the cleaning as practice to manage my feelings. Mindfulness...especially for my pain management does not work and I've been having terrible insomnia this year, but I'm working on it. This past month I've been triggered more than I have in years. In my experience with an alcoholic parent, which was my father, he was never mean, everyone loved him as he was funny, helpful and the life of the party. However, his drinking caused a lot of unhappiness for my mother, who was the mean angry one and took it out of my sister and me. Luckily, the physical abuse stopped when we were teens, but the partying was non-stop for several years...for the entire family. I did not understand until I was in my 40's that not all kids were exposed to the kind of drinking that we had been exposed to. My parents divorced when I was 17 and my mother moved out, so I was left to take care of my alcoholic father, as my younger sister left too. My sister and I both grew up and married addicts and alcoholics. I'm divorced (twice)now and been doing the deep work for 6 years, which is a very long story due to me allowing my ex (alcoholic boyfriend after divorce) to bread crumb me for 3 years. I shut that down finally. It took me a long time to understand what I want, what I need and what I deserve. Just to be clear, we have a very close relationship with our mother now. We understand that her childhood trauma (she was one of four sisters sexually abused by her father) deeply affected her, as my father's childhood beatings affected him. Our father died of cancer 15 years ago. My mother has profusely apologized. I am now working on healing ancestral trauma.
  • @saffyre4083
    Thank you so much for making this video. I've just recently become awear of some childhood emotional abuse (covert) and the possibility that I may also so have some Childhood PTSD. I can really relate the the Comment you read, I had a similar thing happen a few days ago:

    I was having coffee with a friend, we were chatting happily about stuff we were both interested in and she was sharing stuff about her life. Then later I started telling her about the work I'm doing on building my new business and immediately her eyes started to drift off.. It was an instant trigger for me because it confirmed the belief I have about myself that no one is interested in what I have to say and that I'm "boring". Instead of shutting down, I excused myself, went to the bathroom, had a cry, came back and gently asked her the direct question "when I talk about my buisness, do you find it boring?" I told her that I asked because I don't want to make assumptions about these things anymore because it causes me to shut down and I don't want to do that because I value our friendship too much for that. She told me she goes quite when listening to things being said that she's not sure how to contribute to but she's still listening. It cleared the air and we continued to have a nice time. I actually went home feeling happier than before.
  • I’m finding healing attachment trauma so difficult. I can’t connect to anyone. No friends is hard because it’s hard. So I go to 12 steps for alcohol addiction but still lack confidence to do anything.
  • @fraulinechelle1
    I have been searching for something like this for a long time. I was beginning to feel as though all hopes of living a happy, loving and normal, life were gone. I need the help. Crappy childhood fairy, you just might be my savior. I definitely do not feel all alone anymore. I just can't believe that I'm not an alien. You are 100% on the money. I'm 58 , it might be too late for me now. I'm just so tired and there is so much work that needs done. I find it overwhelming. I'm 58, maybe it's too late for me.

    My focus is so bad that it took me an hour to write this message and that's not even the tip of the iceberg.
  • @katjo71367
    I have the most difficult time listening to these videos. This video is the first one I've been able to listen to all the way through. It overwhelms me. I do have ADHD in addition to CPTSD. It just wears me out. I had prayed about where to begin, and this video showed up in my feed within 24 hours! I am going to attempt to use this in addition to the 2 different therapist I see weekly. *(I just started CBT last week.) I've been in talk therapy for almost a year because of my emotional dysregulation after my nephew and his friend*(of 5 days) were mur.dered by a stalker and I lost my peace, my job due to dysregulation, then Covid, then homelessness 3 times in 3 years. I am so very grateful for Anna and her Crappy Childhood Fairy assistants along with her experience, strength and hope. I hope for a better future going into my 60's. ❤
  • This is the second time I have felt the truth of what you have to say. I discovered your channel a couple of days ago. I have spent so much time feeling crushed by what I now realise is cptsd. I think that this was complicated by a PTSD causing event just as I reached adulthood. After thirty years I got some help with that event and I was so confused by the therapist starting with my childhood. Now it makes so much sense. The PTSD event was so huge that it became what I thought was my identity. What you speak of just rings true all of the time. It is a comfort to know that it is what's happening in my head that is the problem and that I can do something about it and it makes so much sense. I am starting the daily practise tomorrow. I don't know where it will take me but honestly I need to stop being so triggered. I need to be in charge of myself going forward because I have lost who I am and the ability to understand what I want and need from life. Exciting times.
  • I'm so glad I caught this before I left to pick my daughter up from work. I'm downloading it and I can listen while I'm driving. Thank you for everything. ❤
  • 44:46 Oh my God, Anna, I have been blaming myself for EVERY mistake that I have ever made in my life!😢💔