The Imperial Fleets New Command Ship | AOTR | Empire Campaign 3, Episode 28

Publicado 2024-05-03
Awakening of the Rebellion has just released a major update JUMP TO HYPERSPACE is out! 2.11.. Time to lead the Empire to Victory.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @NexusNoxCS
    Shack: moves the screen right over Myrkr Shack: "I don't know where that planet is! If anyone knows tell me!" Myrkr: puts up a giant red neon sign 'Vader is here!' Shack: "What is THIS SYMBOL? What kind of nonsense is that? Ah, nevermind, I'm not gonna read the planet's name or anything." Myrkr: "Am I a joke to you?"
  • @mikaelm5367
    Huh. They kept Vader prisoner on a planet that blocks force powers. AI generated mission accidentally did something super cool
  • 40:47 I love the idea that whichever group is keeping Vader as their prisoner shipped him off to Myrkr! Of course they'd want to keep the sith lord on the one planet in the galaxy that's uber hostile to the force. The image of Vader being kept guard by those tiny anti-force Lizards thrawn kept as pets is hilarious to me ; Darth Vader defeated by a tiny reptile.
  • @ThatDarth
    Shack for like the 8th time you need to take Ord Mantell FIRST before taking any of the other planets by Mullinist otherwise you will be locked out of getting Trawn.
  • @Katarian80
    You were so close to finding Myrkr. You even selected it about a minute after you stopped looking for it, the planet you said what is this symbol and then talked about the wolves. It is right next to your territory bordering Obroa-Skai and two jumps "west" of Mandalore.
  • Idea— Dark Trooper raids on CSA in Northwest where you have no presence. That will force open a new front for Black Sun and Rebels, distracting them from you.
  • @DootDoot93
    Yeeeees, here we go! And just in time for Star Wars Day! Well… a day early, but who’s counting?
  • @CmdrLefay
    Myrkr is right next to Corsin Moff Shed
  • [ Personal Log ] [ Reagel Felrin, 457th Tactical Squadron "Dagger" ] "New Emblem, New Faces" Graduation from the ace academy. The biggest day of the 457th's career thus far. We've made quite a name for ourselves in that short time there. Parrel's also finally been promoted back to his original rank in the navy (to the protest of many). The Seveneer will be reacquired by some civilian freighter company. As much as I complained about how cramped it was, I might miss it given how long I've stayed in that tin can. The 457th's homebase will now be on the Quasar-Fire II "Razor". Made some new friends along the way too. Per Kears' request, I've had to compile a list of each. Keegan Bryyl. Graduated just above Foulke, he's managed to best him in a 1v1, the latter being salty about it ever since. Definitely a little on the cocky end. Moran Knox. Vicke calls him "Mynock", a name that's definitely starting to stick. Good friend though, sportsmanly, though maybe a little hesitant during dogfights. Valenia Pallas. ...Vicke's cousin. May be interested in Foulke. That's all I'll have to say. All of which will be serving under Rienn's wing. I still can't believe we graduated though. From a reserve unit to an Ace Squadron. You gotta admit, we're propaganda-worthy. We just received our stripes last week. Our TIE-Defenders too. All painted jet-black. We're being reassigned to Admiral Star's fleet. I guess you can't really have enough aces in one fleet. And that... ISB agent... Cavalier? Yes. She's apparently the one who sent the recommendation in the first place. The squadron has come to collectively agree we owe her a favor. She may have something in mind for us soon. For now though, Reagel Felrin, out.
  • @Verminator4
    Storm commandos are from Rogue Squadron 3 for the GameCube, in the awful on-foot sections. The game also introduced the imperial escort carrier and tie hunter
  • Are we gonna ignore the fact that he looked straight at Myrkir (the planet he was looking for) and didn’t realize it because he was looking at the icon and planetary bonus?
  • @Zaeikil
    Field Agent Log: Maj. [ERROR: Unauthorized Clearance] Imperial Intelligence Agent “Harbinger” It has been unusually quiet here on Quellor. I suppose that would be due to the recent weapons test. The Tanarithians brought a new weapon to the fleet to show Admiral Star. It’s effectively a nuclear warhead which by modern and especially Imperial standards, is outdated. The Tanarithians do as they usually do and made their own improvements to the weapon. Now, the blast can take out a whole region, rather than simply a city. That means it has both incredible destructive power and is an excellent tool for demoralizing the enemy. A show of force, if you will. I went to analyze the site about a day after the test with some Imperial and Tanarithian scientists. It was very similar to the effect the Death Star had on Scariff, the destructive power of which I saw first hand, as me and Agent Zealot were sent to do the Battle Damage Assessment after the fact. A blast powerful enough to turn the once beautiful beaches to glass for miles. It was a similar effect here, minus the space station. Seeing as it doesn’t come from a space station and can be fired from a Star Destroyer in orbit offers the weapon, which had been dubbed the “Star Bomb” in honor of Admiral Star, a tactical flexibility that is sorely lacking in the ranks of the Empire. A shortsight I blame the late Grand Moff Tarkin for. The weapons detonation seems to have had the desired effect, having quelled any and all resistance to our occupation of Quellor. The peace and quiet, while unnerving at first, was rather nice once you get used to it. Not to mention the planet of Quellor is beautiful, with its oasis and beaches. I’ve found myself wandering when the sun goes down and the air gets cooler, be it alone or… with Lana. The quiet gives me a lot of time to think with a clarity I haven’t had since before I joined the Empire. Almost reminds me of home. Of Onderon. In other news, sources say that Lord Vader has been found on the planet of Mykyr. Seems the pirates got to him before the rebels did. I do not know what this means for Death Squadron, much has changed for the better under Admiral Stars leadership and I hope he does not get transferred out when Lord Vader is rescued. It is also about time our more veteran troops are granted leave. Walsch, one of my men has already had a visit from his family. His sister came by to visit after he was wounded in a previous engagement, the last engagement with the rebels on Quellor in fact. She’s also apparently a pilot for one of the Empires more elite squadrons, so called “Crimson Squadron”. The rest of my squad have had their requested leave approved with Kevel and Tash going to visit Tashs family before going to Deveron so Kevel can visit his father. Atto went back to Naboo for a few days as well to see his family. Only August and Walsch remained on The Pulsar. As for myself, I’m staying too. A Field Agents work is never finished. Agent Harbinger, signing off. [END OF LOG.]
  • @vianocturne
    Meanwhile on Myrkr... -Warden"Guard! Deliver that food plate to cell 66" -Guard"Cell 66!?,I m not going there,its lord Vader s cell" -Warden"So?" -Guard"So! He already killed 3 of us just by looking at them,poor Bob...Send a droid to do it" -Warden"Well,we kinda ran out of droids..." -Guard"I dont care,do it yourself,here s a straw,might be easier to drink through that breathing mask,see if he likes it"👽
  • Vader being on the planet with a species that blocks the Force is so fitting and cool. The Bellator is so cool and I love it!
  • @41:48 Myrkr is on screen, right next to Obra Skai/Corsin near Concord Dawn/Mandalore. It's within easy striking distance of your fleets. Smaller world, 1 station, 3 possible ground structures. Should be a quick in and out Shack - one of the easier rescues I've seen the game generate. @TheXPGamers
  • @loveroffunnyy
    Journal of Fear's Embrace Captain Tobias, Entry 5. Not even the mightiest ships of days long past can even hope to match the pure firepower of the bellator, doesn't mean it cannot be destroyed, it very much can and will be destroyed if you make several not-intelligent tactical decisions, but it can both put out a bunch of firepower, but also take a bunch as well. One thing my days serving in he Judicial Forces of the republic taught me is that you should never underestimate, not even seemingly powerless pirates, for if you do, you will pay dearly for that mistake. The Gladiators, Immobilizers, Broadsides, were all above the orbit of Scipio to both their first battle field appearance that I personally know of, and to utterly destroy the rebel space stations and fleet. But there was one ship in particular that I recognized, the Tagge Star Destroyer, I couldn't believe it at first, but apparently one was 'gifted' from the shipyards to Admiral Shed, and I don't know why he was given a Tagge Star Destroyer, but he made it his flagship and commanded me and admiral shebs from there, and despite being incompetent and really should get fired by now, but regardless he led his to victory despite the temporary retreat he forced us to do as a consequence of his own tactical decisions. Long live the empire, Long live the emperor!
  • Admiral's log Log 14 Admiral Royal Bellator Dreadnought "Megador" fighters, fighters, fighters.Malastare has been invaded by some blasted fighters. I'm lucky I have such a strong fighter base in the fleet so I don't have to worry as much. Overall our forces are too thin to counter that fleet despite the carrier base being lost. I've been waiting for Shed to make the command that (REDACTED) has finished, Rom Mohc is sure taking his time. Shed's impatient, but for me, the longer the better with a larger raiding party. Although Shed's patience may run so thin that he sends me face first into that cannon, and I won't risk my life for his ego Since Shed needed some more glory (and because I was bored), we moved to Scipio. About my strong fighter base, they proved my point when there were too many heavy turbolaser defenses for the Megador. So the fighters in the fleet began to tear the stations a new one. However the ion cannon on the ground was melting the shields, plus I misjudged the range of the stations so it became a ticking time bomb for when the fighters destroy the space stations or the Megador goes up in smoke. The fighters went for the main station which drove their attention away so the Megador moved up, and crushed the fleet but then the shields failed, so it was time to leave. In the next assault, Shed showed off his new ship, the Tepasi Battlecruiser. I remember requesting transfer to one of these ships during my time on the Exactor, but I have the Megador, and I don't intend to downgrade. I am jealous of one thing though, the luxury offices, so much space for a moff. Its size is pretty decent too, almost being half the length of the Megador. Its weapons are as dangerous as I remember over Tepasi. This time, however, we steamrolled the defenses with a lack of a fleet. The Megador did lose shields, though, and needs some repairs. The Ion cannon was the biggest pain so far, I recall being in a blackout for a good amount of the fight and when the ship finally regained power, another shot came, I could hear Hadrian the Mechanic from the Engine room yelling "I JUST FIXED THAT YOU SCUM" The best part though, I'm the first admiral with a 100% kill rate thanks to the Entrapment by (REDACTED). I'm getting another raise for this For a while I've been complaining of the lack of reliable gear for the infantry, but the Empire responded to my call with something better, Rom Mohc's little toys, the Darktroopers, no need to hide the name when the Rebels spilled the beans to everyone. The only battle hardened snipers in the 528th were given the best armor straight from the factories on Balmorra. The Inquisitor finally did something and scared away the infantry. I've requested commander shed and Rom Mohc for me to keep the Darktroopers in the army after (REDACTED) I had Saber squadron in some TIEs survey the phase 1s performance. They reportedly ripped a turret from its base and the scouts' bombs blew open a building. Plus phase 2 was promised more, so Shed's patience is better than before (WARNING:UNAUTHORIZED CLEARANCE) (CLEARANCE REQUIRED: inner circle) Personal Logs: Shed's off the list, the background check cleared him up. Up next: Rom Mohc. its such a shame that he gave me his toys and now I must shuffle behind his back. Though this check won't seem to take long since he has been too busy to do anything traitorous, and his relationship with Vader has been reportedly not an issue. There was one issue though, when the Megador was damaged and repairs were made, someone found the prisons. He had to be sedated and I either have to convince him it was just a room, employ him, or execute him. I prefer the second option but its questionable if that's possible. Vader's crew and TIE are being held on Mykr, we're going to have to break them out in order to get him back into orbit.
  • @NP3GA
    Death squadron log: The last two weeks have been uneventful, for once, I'm upset about it. We had a few runs with small rebel bands but nothing we couldn't easily destroy. Lord Vader's absence has really crippled our will to fight. We go through the motions, training and keeping our fighters in good condition, but it's just autopilot. Even have started to realise that I'm not doing for enjoyment anymore. I barely feel the dark side's itch, I have lost my driving force. We sometimes sat down to play a bit of stations and Ranckors, only to realise that we always roleplay that we saved the Devastator, then we just do nothing but stare at the board for an hour or so. I found myself spending more time with Naila, she has come to mean a lot to me ever since our meeting, our conversations, her mere presence, is among the few things that keeps me going, she also amongs the few outside my brethren that understands what we go through, the 501st loved Lord Vader almost as much as we did. Star has proven to be a lot better than I expected, but the politics that surrounds every move the admiral does makes me sick, I miss the simplicity of Lord Vader's command. Simple slaughter and battle, nothing more nothing less, no schemes and no overarching agentas, just carnage. I just hope he is back soon. Naila: I always wonder what you write there. Pilot: You will learn after my death. Naila: I already imagine it. Me sipping tea in a retirement home and try not laugh at your absurdity. Pilot: I'll have you know that there is nothing absurd about anything I write. Naila: I will believe it when I see it. Pilot: You will have to wait then. Naila: As I said, I'm already picturing myself in the retirement home. Pilot: Do you really believe it? Naila: Believe what? Pilot: That we will live this long? Naila: Knowing us both, we will be okay. Pilot: Even without him? Naila: Because of him, even if he is not here. Naila sits besides the Pilot, holding his hand with care and conviction. Naila: Lord Vader only showed favour to the strongest, the fact that are both in respective units is a show of that, a hint that he viewed us as strong. He yourself have said that he is never mistaken. If he belived in us, then I will too. Pilot: Chuckle you have a very good way with words do you know that? Naila: hehe, well I... Jeice: GUYS!!! Naila and the pilot end their hand holding quickly before he sees them. Pilot: Jeice if this is another invitation for a game I'm not in the mood. Jeice: THEY FOUND LORD VADER!!! Pilot:... Naila:...
  • [Personal Log] [Sgt. Fenris Wallner, 421st Stormtrooper Battalion, Assault Detachment D] [Location: Classified] Hurry up and wait. The infantry man’s creed since they invented warfare. We have been training day and night for our raid. Can’t tell where, never know who reads these. But as I said hurry up and wait. They send the new spec ops units to Scipio while we are stuck in this blasted place for no one knows how many rotations. Hope the raid happens soon. The men are getting restless.