Published 2016-03-15

All Comments (21)
  • NFS Hot Pursuit 2010: A reboot of the old hot pursuit series NFS Rivals: A COD version of hot pursuit
  • I love the story its not the usual race to get some rep to race the biggest asshole in town.the story is darker than any other nfs game and the atmosphere is just beautiful.thats why i love this game
  • Explanation: Zephyr crashes his P1, survives, gets taken out by F-8, who then also crashes, gets terminated from the VRT, then becomes a racer.
  • Wanna know something? You're Zephyr when you're a racer. Because after the collision, you survived. Then, you found yourself out sitting hopeless, breathing lifeless. 'Til then you heard sirens. You turned on your engine, but unfortunately you got crashed by F-8. You're F-8 when you're a cop. You broke Zephyr's car when you turned your sirens on to intercept and detain. Then after you crashed, wrecked Zephyr's car, you got terminated for reckless actions. You became a racer, rose up on the leaderboard, makes an open challenge to all racers, and enjoyed you whole life.
  • This goes far beyond the Need for Speed: In the beginning, F-8, our big-boy, badass, protagonist and Zephyr, the man with a P1, EMP, and a dream are both seemingly veteran drivers looking to carve their names in history. But it's not just the, well, Need for Speed, that'll put 'em at odds. But their beliefs. F-8 believes that fear commands respect, and force commands order. If both are tested by someone that questions their authority, then they're fucked. Even going as far as to call the people they protect "ungrateful". Zephyr believes that everyone has a limit. And the only way to find it, is to go past it. To defy fear and obedience. To him, racing is about challenging your fear, nerves and skill. If you aren't speeding, then you're not living. And that's exactly what he does, in video form. Where he "pushes" his limit in the fastest vehicles he could find. Inciting millions of other people with mean machines like his to post videos online, taking street racing to the national viral spotlight. This pisses off the District Attorney, and where F-8 asserts his beliefs. Even implying that the civilians straight-up accuse them of intimidation, not just outward, but within their ranks as well. Zephyr, however, sees this as the people coming out of their shells. Breaking free and resisting authority, daring to go far not just for clout, but for freedom. This is where things go too damn far, Officer John McManis (the driver of the Carrera GT) severely injures himself trying to stop some racers (maybe he felt himself inferior to F-8). F-8 gets really pissed and wants to make the racers pay for nearly killing him (though it was more or less McManis' fault for taking a Carrera GT to war). Zephyr tells his side of the story. Using Officer McManis' injuries as an example of why the RCPD can't "keep up". Zephyr believes that the RCPD want revenge for a crime that was never committed, instead of the truth. Which makes them enemies. Following the "accident", the U.S. Department of Justice is called in to investigate a possible culture of intimidation within the RCPD. Everyone on the RCPD is sidelined until the investigation concludes, which pisses F-8 off even more. Meanwhile, the racers and Zephyr's celebration is short-lived, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation has called upon the Vehicle Response Team. The top interdiction unit of the United States of America, composed of ex-Special Forces (think Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Delta Force, 24 STS, ISA, 75th Rangers, etc.) and ex-street racers who have been bailed as soon as the FBI recruited them. Zephyr sees them as new enemies to face down. Meanwhile Internal Affairs expands their investigation into excessive force, and the RCPD chief suspends all patrols. F-8, now "properly" broken from all the bullshit he's seen, decides that if the police want to win, then they need to play by the racers' rules. So, him, along with an army of equally disgruntled cops take a few impounded rides and wage their own secret war against the racers. The VRT, to Zephyr, have done nothing more than create chaos than establish order, which isn't too good for everyone. Even civilians are getting caught up in the crossfire, imagine being a civilian/beat officer and your lover/best friend/family member dies getting caught up in a chase. Scary stuff. Zephyr then finds a new breed of racers have "joined" the fray, tearing shit up (literally). Led by F-8, the racers kick major ass. With F-8 taking nearly all of Zephyr's ratings for his aggressive driving. The FBI/VRT clearly sees these army of pissed-off rogue cops and decide to take them under their wing. Using the escalation of violence as an excuse to recruit these cops in their ranks. Which only serves to piss off the public (and Zephyr) even more. Speaking of pissing off Zephyr, he was able to deduce that these army of crazed racers are nothing more than road-raged cops looking for vengeance for McManis. And in turn, steals a decommissioned Koenigsegg Agera R unit and goes ham on the cops. F-8 passes the test and is recruited in the VRT. Locked and loaded with new tech, all thanks to taxpayer money, it's time to kick some ass for real. Civilians have been pissed, and commit civil unrest, but increased law enforcement has prevented any more riots. Meanwhile, Zephyr's message is getting through to the people. As he's become the "Robin Hood" of Redview County. The VRT ID's three of Zephyr's associates, who use encrypted radio to communicate with each other. However, they "ping" giving their location. The VRT chief tells F-8 to go take them down before the radios become useless. Zephyr, feeling "lost" decides to make an open manifesto. And created a map with a route where racers and cops can finally have the "ultimate" showdown. But he crashes into a roadblock. Thankfully, he was alive enough to start his car back up. However, Fate can be pretty damn fast. And that's what happened when F-8 was given the order to get Zephyr and end this war. It seemed as though Zephyr may be "dead" after that wreck. And the FBI kicks him off the VRT in order to clean up the mess F-8 left behind. In the end, Zephyr got what he wanted. And a few months later, F-8 rises as Redview County's newest top racer.
  • @StarryniteTrist
    Games story just sticks with me 7 years later, loved the Zephyr/F8, some chilling moments too
  • @vac4ncyPlus
    Zephyr and F-8 Rivalries are the best story so far after The Player from NFS Most Wanted & Carbon.
  • @NotATaxiDriver
    What most people miss is that Zephyr did survive the crash then goes into hiding or whatever. The ending of the cops didn't mention anything about F-8 catching Zephyr and F-8 just crashes and is probably already terminated from the force since he got acquired by VRT. Since VRT is like a government secret team, they probably let him get away with all the havoc he does. After that, F-8 decided to become the next street racer and challenges other, taking Zephyr place. (It's also why it specifically mention that F-8 has taken the top spot instead of Zephyr meaning that Zephyr probably isn't racing anymore.)
  • @falcon1378
    This is the most realistic NFS game. In the end, nobody really won besides the cops/racers. The public suffers either way.
  • The monologues between the cut scenes are SO FRIKING GOOD, quotes like “I am not you. I am the life you are too scared to live. You are asleep. I am awake. I am the reality show, the catalyst, the 15 minutes you'll never have. You wanna know why I do this? I wanna know why you don't.” Literal goosebumps
  • This games story is so good, it gives enough information about the story but not too much, so u can make your own ending, your own good guy, your own bad guy.
  • Now I see... The police's world and the racer's world turn upside down. At the start, Police are good and use their strength in numbers and racers are treated bad and are all rivals and compete to be the best. As the story goes on, Things go too far. Officer John McMannis gets critically injured for pushing his limit. F-8 then gets angry and starts using impounded vehicles. He introduces himself as a racer and wreaks havoc from within. Zephyr sees this, and steals a cop car and paints it just to show that they aren't rivals anymore. The racers then become cop like. Uniting to destroy their former rivals, now their enemies. F-8 continues to wreak havoc, and discovers that it satisfies him. The police get permitted to use excessive force. The VRT then order F-8 to hunt down Zephyr and his associates. The final battle goes on, and then Zephyr draws his final breath, his final moment of freedom. F-8 crashes and then escapes. He then gets terminated from the force. From then on, He becomes a true racer, and everything goes back the way it was.
  • @zhoumadeit
    Just rewatched again and I need to mention. Notice when Zephyr is dying, he states “the reality show and 15 mins you’ll ever have” part. HOWEVER, Fate took over THE REST of Zephyr’s words from the intro. It’s still Fate speaking, but he started with Zephyr’s “You are asleep, I am awake.” But it is important to notice that Fate’s tone is almost a lament. He is saying “Yes, I am finally truly awake and I am glad.” This contrasts with his opening line with “We are unbound, free, unshackled.” However, he was “asleep” then, even his tone was calmer, and he is in fact not free and not living by Zephyr’s standards. Then the ending keeps getting better, as Fate continues with “I am unshackled.” Not we. Is just him that is truly free. This is cool because Fate didn’t magically completely become Zephyr. Fate is still F-8 but more alive and unrestrained. He even admitted “I AM THE LIFE THAT I WAS TOO SCARED TO LIVE.” Meaning the opening dialogue was ACTUALLY a real conversation that Zephyr and F-8 had at some point in their rivalry. Or there would be no way Fate would state those exact words to pay tribute to Zephyr. Finally, of course, there is the bit where Fate takes over Zephyr’s legacy and issued a statement very similar to the original. But again, you can still clearly tell it’s Fate speaking. Like his voice is still more rigid like an ex-cop would sound. Compared to Zephyr’s natural gloriousness.
  • @byonemesis
    Finally, someone put the history of Rivals in order! Great job!
  • What if Zephyr is actually in a coma after the accident, kinda like what happened to Tanner in Driver San Francisco, and the part where he started up his car was just all in his head.
  • @cracklos7673
    I always got goosebumps when zephyr says: "you're my rival"