Frankenstein - The Original Horror Story

Published 2022-09-16
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Hey everyone, sorry for the confusion with uploading the video twice. Turns out, making a video a “premiere” makes it not show up for a lot of users and the video was getting a fraction of the traction it normally does. It didn’t even pop up in my second account’s feed lol. Hopefully you can see it now and sorry for those that have already seen it. Hope you enjoy and thank you for watching!

Illustrations other than Ito's, such as that of the thumbnail, are courtesy of the great Bernie Wrightson

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All Comments (21)
  • @CaptAj
    My favorite line from Frankenstein: “I have love in me the likes of which you could scarcely imagine, and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy one, I will indulge the other”.
  • I still think Victor's greatest sin was abandoning the monster, not creating it. If he had cared for it like it was a living thing, or even just taken responsibility for it, than so much pain would have been avoided. But instead he simply chose to see him as an experiment gone wrong until it was already too late. That and not stepping in for Justine like wtf dude
  • @prestonhal
    34:24 Wendigoon: “But to his surprise…” My brain: “He did the mash! He did the monster mash.”
  • @Unti1tmrw
    Dude Henry was the character I felt most bad for. He was willing to uproot his life for his friend and died due to his friend’s creation.
  • I love the fact that the moment Victor finally accomplished his goal and created a monster, he was immediately like: "Oh shit, I made a mistake."
  • @__-be1gk
    Now I'm seriously wondering how The Monster went from a literal scholar as the crux of his character into a moaning cartoon zombie
  • Mary Shelley created one of the world's first tumblr sexymen. I mean you cannot tell that women of the period weren't going crazy over Victor and his monster
  • No wonder why this story is so popular and influential. It isn't just horror, it is tragic and philosophical and screwed up in such an interesting way
  • Something that really stuck with me from the novel, of all things, was the Monster first encountering fire. He curls up next to a campfire for warmth, but recoils in pain when he tries to place his hands directly in the flames. Intentional or not, it works well as a metaphor for humanity's relationship with scientific advances. We will approach and nestle up to it for the sake of comfort but our ignorance often makes us forget how destructive it can be if we dive in recklessly.
  • @Aneoca
    Can't wrap my head around how Victor has the creativity and intelligence to create the monster, yet after having it kill the 2 people closest to him; he doesn't realize his its threats were directed at the next person to be his closest relationship.
  • The final pages of Junji Ito's Frankenstein broke my heart. I was surprised by how much the imagery struck me. In Junji Ito's version, the story ends like this: We see the creature standing all alone on the frozen plains of the Antarctic. The wind whips at his face and tears at his rags. As he overhears the news of Victor's death from the ship in the distance, he is overcome with sorrow and lets out a wail. With tears streaming down his face, he exclaims that his creator has left him. The complete and utter loneliness that is depicted here is crushing. The wide shot of the Monster standing so alone on the desolated plain hit me deep. It is here that the Monster understands that his God has finally forsaken him completely, and while he never had anyone who loved him, it is only now that there is no one left who understands him either.
  • I love how Frankenstein seems to be claiming that whenever he was horrified by something he just took a nap. Like JUST ADMIT YOU FAINTED IT DOESN’T MAKE YOU LESS OF A MAN! He describes his father as fainting but not himself lmao
  • @TheBitingBat
    The thing that always struck me is that the "Monster" isn't really described as being some disgusting agonized beast, but is simply visceral. He's this being that should never have been born, a beautiful yet disturbing creation with ghostly yellow eyes that glare at Victor with hatred and condemnation for his cowardice.
  • @csconnor5160
    Yeah my AP lit final was based on Frankenstein, and the original is actually incredibly different from every other depiction of the story. It's not just horror, it's a philosophical look into human nature and what truly constitutes a monster. It's so good.
  • the line "i am malicious because i am miserable" from the monster will forever impact my soul. my first read of this book was about a year ago at one of the worst and most "miserable" parts of my life. relating to the monster more than the human characters sometimes :/
  • I truly think Frankenstein will remain relevant for as long as the human race exists. Simply one of the greatest stories ever told and the fact that Mary Shelley wrote the original short story when she was just 19 years old will never not blow my mind.
  • @TheLadybug177
    I love how Victor didn’t think that making his monster huge would be a mistake until it stood up.
  • His conversation with the blind man is heartbreaking. You know it's going to go horribly wrong but you really, Really hope the story somehow changes.