The 11 Rules Of Highlander, And Why There Can Be Only One

Published 2024-05-21
The Highlander universe is built on a series of rules that govern the actions of its characters. They've been built over time and even changed over time, as the franchise has developed through the Highlander movies with Connor MacLeod and Highlander: The Series with Duncan MacLeod.

HIGHLANDER RULE 1: There Can Be Only One
HIGHLANDER RULE 3: Take his Head
HIGHLANDER RULE 4: The Quickening
HIGHLANDER RULE 5: The Gathering
HIGHLANDER RULE 11: The Water Problem

More On Henry Cavill's Highlander Reboot:…

Full Highlander: The Series Opening (it's awesome!) --   • Highlander TV Series - Season 4 Intro  

All Comments (21)
  • @A-1-Sawce
    Rule 12: Queen has to sing your theme song. You're not an official immortal until Freddie bellows for you.
  • @flowrebaz6189
    A French man playing a Scottish character with a Scottish man playing an Egyptian that lived in Spain and still sounds Scottish. Seems legit.
  • Of all people, I would trust Henry Cavill with our beloved Highlander franchise. I look forward to it
  • @jackwilliam4436
    Some veteran Immortals protect and team up with new Immortals not just to have allies, but to increase the probability that a 'good' Immortal wins the Game, for the sake of the Earth and its inhabitants.
  • @whyjnot420
    Sure, Highlander is more than just an excuse for people to run around NYC having sword fights. But it is one hell of a great excuse to do just that.
  • The soundtrack to the first movie is the greatest thing to come out of the Highlander franchise. I mean who doesn't love Queen.
  • @Scruffi
    The greatest movie review I ever read was for Highlander 2, in a newspaper in Athens, Ga. The entire review consisted of just one line. “There should have been only one.”
  • @robpegler6545
    Connor having "the ability to commune with animals and control them with his mind" is a bit of a stretch. He wasn't "controlling" the stag, he just seemed to be able to sense its energy/life force/aura/whatever. I think the point of that scene was to show that Immortals have a heightened sensitivity to the world around them, which probably ties into their ability to sense each other's presence (and could be a preview of the powers they'll gain if they win the Prize).
  • @gamescape7758
    In my head i like to think the guillotine was invented when humans kept encountering immortals that commited crimes and wouldn't die when executed.
  • Rule 11, You must fight to a Queen soundtrack, any fights that take place without them should be null and void
  • @bad-people6510
    I don't know if Conner communed or controlled the stag, he just said he felt it. I always thought of that as an extension of the buzz, that if an immortal knows how, and concentrates, they can sense other living things as well as immortals. That the quickening is part of the life force of the world and immortals are at their core one with all living things, and that on winning the prize that manifests completely, giving a double meaning to "There can be only one."
  • Ok, I loved the TV show and watched the entire thing in its initial run. But the movie is such bombastic fun that it will always and forever be my Highlander. Clancy Brown as Kurgan? Come on!
  • @JamesRDavenport
    Another footnote: Immortals can be permanently injured in rare cases. Ex: Xavier St. Cloud losing a hand to Duncan. Or Kalas/Kurgan losing their singing voices when cut deep through the neck.
  • @TheGuamStacker
    For Rule 2. I thought I remember watching that an immortals' first death has to be one of trauma and violence and not of natural causes for them to activate their immortality.
  • @spentcasing3990
    I work in Vancouver where the Highlander series was first filmed. One of the areas I worked was where Ducan Macloed's antique shop was. It's in an area known as Blood Alley. A lot of the buildings have been renovated in the area, but the alley looks more or less the same.
  • @Whalewraith
    Worked better in the TV show. Great initial movie that was ruined totally by coming from space in the second one. The fact Christopher was both at the start and the end of the series really helped.
  • The rule about dueling is less a tradition or anything like that, and more a natural consequence of how the Quickening works. You can't share the power, so there's nothing really to be gained by helping another immortal in a fight.
  • @showxating9885
    Adrian Paul did a great job, and the series was done very well. But one would be missing a lot of fantastic characters and portrayals by the likes of Christopher Lambert, Clancy Brown, and of course Sean Connery. The lack of a fleshed out mythos can be overlooked easily because of the acting and cinematography.
  • @DevJannz
    I love the first Movie but I love the Series even more because it allowed them to really dive into the concepts more of what it really meant to be immortal as they were. I even have a set of rules for playing Highlander style immortals in the White Wolf - World of Darkness system (Vampire the Masquerade, Werewolf the Apocalypse, etc) and they work really well in that setting and rule system. It was fun to be able to explore those concepts with my character in 2 time periods, one in 1055 AD when he had been immortal for a little over 300 years and then again (same character) in modern times, around 2013, and explore the changes in him and his view of the world.
  • @theuglywolf2536
    The best part of Highlander was highlighting my family's clan, Clan MacLeod, even featuring our family castle, Dunvegan, and the Isle of Skye in the franchise.