AOC Flips the Religious Freedom Argument on Its Head | NowThis

Publicado 2020-02-29
‘The only time religious freedom is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination. I’m tired of it’ — AOC just flipped the entire ‘religious freedom’ argument on its head.
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In US news and current events today, watch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez destroy the GOP’s ‘religious freedom’ argument.

In this viral clip, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez calls out the hypocrisy of religious conservatives using their faith to justify bigotry and discrimination in the United States.

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Todos los comentarios (20)
  • @IkaikaArnado
    False, they wouldn't reject Jesus... ...they would crucify him.
  • As my mother once said ( may she rest in peace) "I'm so happy God just asks me to love people, not judge them." When I came out to her she fully accepted me.
  • @adamsaar8783
    Religious freedom should be about one's personal practicing of their religion, not the imposition of one's religious practices onto others.
  • @neilforbes416
    You CANNOT have freedom OF religion until you first get FREEDOM FROM RELIGION!
  • @theexplorer7139
    Someone said on social media (cant remember who) , "I'm not impressed about how many verses you say, but how you treat people."
  • @sean380
    Too much religion in America and not enough morality.
  • @ariagavvv
    Religious freedom is essential, so is freedom from religion
  • I'm 71, which is fine with me, but I am sad that I will probably not be around long enough to vote for AOC for President.
  • @Nevertoleave
    It’s freedom of religion until it’s someone’s freedom and someone else’s religion
  • @danielleshea1421
    That gave me chills, she is what our government needs. She cares about us. How do people have anything bad to say about her. She is truly for the people. What a blessing to have her on our side.
  • @kosys5338
    Unfortunately I fear her speech fell on deaf ears.
  • @steecie3045
    If you're only using religion as a basis for making laws of this land, you're doing it wrong. What happened to separation of Church and State?
  • @mtnwriter4011
    She's right of course. And we can drive this home over and over again, ad nauseum. What absolutely astounds me, to no end, is how the party of exclusion and hypocrisy and "dog eat dog" will patiently wait til she's finished, turn a blind eye, and simply go about business as usual. It's just words and "time taken" to them. They have their agendas. They hear "nothing." You might as well talk to a fencepost.
  • @IamRipplehead
    I’m tired of my government having any religion involved in it at all.
  • @Draculiov
    I’m atheist but my sister is Christian and she hates the fact that people use religion to hurt others.