The Entire Lore of Cult of the Lamb

Published 2023-06-15
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Instead of putting this video into two parts I just decided to make one really long one. The DLC content made combat and overall gameplay a lot more interesting then when I first beat the game. Before you ask, yes I will make a Part 2 Ultrakill video next. Anyways that's all, cya.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Chara_Dreemurr1
    Narinder (The one who waits) Is a Cat. I love that. People when they first meet him think of him as a wolf in sheeps clothing literally. When he is actually a cat.
  • @Skaetbull
    One more thing, after you meet with forneus and she tells you that the kits went off on an adventure, you have a chance to encounter them on the same crusade. Aym will go off on you about how much better Narinder was only for Baal to say “what he means is thank you”
  • And this is why we don't sacrifice Ratau in my household, damn the 100% completion >:{
  • @Darkaos_5
    I really believe the next update should add an option where you save Ratau, by tricking the fox beast and fighting him as a boss, the animation of the lamb looking all distraught while Ratau is taken away shows that even he didn't want to do that
  • The moment he said "The first bishop of Darkwood Leshy is based-" I immediately said "Inscryption"
  • @VeeOfTheEight
    Wow, you actually named the god something good. Purely for the fact that he kept threatening me when I was too close (Accidentally rolled into him) he was known as Shithead through my playthrough
  • @flowerchild2496
    For Heket, I absolutely think their job as an old god is fertility, as famine would be the other side to that coin. The opposite of "Fertile soil" is soil that cannot produce anything. i just thought it was a neat idea :3
  • @aidencalhoun4893
    Fun fact:one of Chemack lines says that she created her crown by herself, but she doesnt say what its made of
  • Honestly, as soon as I learned that you could canonically get the bishops as followers, I was so hyped, cause that was an idea I had and drew, so seeing that it actually happened? So much joy. And… the fact that sacrificing Ratau, to get the completion bonus? I just… something feels so wrong with that. Why does he have to die, in order for us to get 100%? It’s just such a gut punch, and I don’t understand why, besides to cause pain. He wasn’t waiting for death, he had just been given a new hope for life, why does he have to die?
  • @samuelcrow4701
    A crown does not necessarily make one a bishop, many characters other than chemak have crowns, such as Haro. These lesser crowns seem to give less impressive abilities than the bishop crowns. Chemak's crown seems to give the ability to leech power from other gods, through severed body parts or posessions, creating relics. In fact, check claims to have created her crown out of "secret" material. It seems more lively than other crowns, as if it's conscious. Maybe it contains fragments of other gods souls?
  • @DschinghisEli
    The side quest with Forneus made me so happy when I completed it. Almost tears of joy ngl, it was very satisfying and wholesome and they wrote Forneus’ lines very well. At the same time, sacrificing Ratau is very devastating. I genuinely felt bad the rest of the game after I killed him. Cult of the Lamb is a very solid game ans the lore is super interesting! Makes you feel things 😭
  • @littlelostshadow
    I think Chemach's story goes more like this. One of her siblings mentioned that the three (Chemach, Claunek and Kuudai) were the children of a god and were tasked with making godly instruments. But they were not supposed to use these instruments themselves. So the three siblings weren't supposed to use the things they made for themselves. And Chemach managed to make her own perhaps Chemach using one of her own creations was the reason for her current state. Half-mad and mutilated. Also, I don't think Chemach has any legs. Which I always thought was the reason she needs to suspend herself on hooks.
  • Kallamar having half his face destroyed could be his two faced nature or something
  • @leawilson5630
    I think that Leshy, Heket, Kallamar and Shamura can all see, speak, hear and think because of their crowns. Even when they lose their crowns and become followers, they keep their abilities because of wearing their crown for so long.
  • @spacered2346
  • @OmniOrchid
    This game feels less like having a cult and more like watching a preschool full of needy kids Edit:PFFT- 98 LIKES!?
  • @hamham_1437
    i think it’s cool that with the Egyptian references, it’s known that Egyptian kings would take their servants to the afterlife, like Narinder did with the 2 kids