
Published 2022-07-20
I share some tips and tricks I figured out along the way as I struggled to maintain hope during my journey back to health.

This is not an easy topic to discuss and there are not any definitive answers. Please be careful judging me for the words I use in some of my examples.

I don't claim to be any type of expert, I'm just a regular guy sharing my story. Help me help you by giving me feedback on what helped you or how you would add to this or do something differently.

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All Comments (7)
  • we all need God in our hearts, Micah, He is our Creator and Knows what we need to do. Appreciate your vids.
  • @SickofTired
    I missed an opportunity to point out an amazing aspect to this. At about 13:25 when I'm talking about realizing "the guy that hit me was just another human being".. I was able to make this realization because I had already been healing for several years. I had detoxed enough stuff to fix my emotions etc and have a better mindset about the world. That better mindset is what allowed me to look at it the right way and realize this person is dealing with what I am dealing with, what we we're all dealing with. But before I healed, I may not have been able to look at the world this way. An extreme example for this is how some people are able to abuse pets or people. They are so toxic that they think that's ok. That type of mindset can't look at another human and realize they messed up just like we all can. This process happens in phases. We learn how to see the world better and then have to fix the machine that's processing it all. Once this upgrade is complete, we can see the world better and do it again. If we don't figure out how to upgrade our mindset, life just keeps beating the crap out of us with this lesson, its just how this system is able to operate. So it's clean up the body, wait a few months, clean up the mind, repeat. At least that's how it seems to be going for me.
  • @RyanHeath87
    I'm in that same place right now, running myself into the ground with my thoughts that I'll never get out of this. Even having suicidal thoughts at times cause it just seems like an easier way to escape it... Being in your FB groups and watching your videos has been a big help. You're a great inspiration to me. If you can do it, so can I. Thank you.
  • Thanks for another video Micah! It’s important to people like me to know there are other people going through similar issues.
  • Theres so much likeness in what were all dealing with. We think it's just our self, but its not. We all think these thoughts and have things in our past that are so hurtful to think about. But that's all we do unconsciously, even though were aware of it we just go on with our thoughts condemning us. But God wants us free from condemnation so He gave up His only Son to do this for us if we just beleive He did that by dying on the cross we ARE set free! I've been going down this path anyway with parasites everytime I see more information ... years and maybe never eliminating them 😣 Struggling through this is so rough. Were all here for each other Micah and love that fact. you have been a huge blessing for so many of us. Let us be here for each other. It's what we can do. Thank you, God blessings to you 💙