The Shocking Truth About Meat & If You Should Eat It For LONGEVITY | Dr. Mark Hyman

Published 2023-09-22
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While anti-meat advocates and scientists have tried to scare Americans by linking meat to everything from cancer to heart disease, diabetes, and even obesity, research actually shows meat is a nutrient-dense food that can help prevent disease and nutritional deficiencies when you eat it with plenty of plants and vegetables (and not as part of the typical Western diet and lifestyle). That doesn’t mean there isn’t a dark side to eating meat, but there are good scientific and health-minded reasons to eat high-quality, organic, grass-fed, sustainably raised meat as part of an overall healthy diet.

In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I discuss why meat is such a contentious food, whether meat really contributes to global warming, and how to make the most informed decision about purchasing and eating meat.

This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Mitopure, and Super Simple Grassfed Protein.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Tonymanero1960
    After a while all of this information becomes too confusing,...but,..I have cut out everything that everyone knows is awful for you,...soda, processed foods, seed oils, fast food, junk food, sugar, bleached flour, hot dogs, etc, etc. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. I have made it 63 years so far with 0 health issues.
  • @betcarbery46
    My son, whose work consists of hard physical labour outside, was a vegetarian and sometime vegan for over four years, along with his wife. He was so disgusted at how meat eaters were denigrated by none meat eaters (he's not one for being told what to do) that he went back to eating meat. He was amazed at how much better he felt and how much less tired. We are lucky in having a butcher that only sells grass eating animals and all his meat is reared within a 14 mile radius.
  • @caincrew6
    I would love to hear a debate/discussion between Dr Hyman and one of the plant based doctors. That would be very interesting.
  • @elenaalb4762
    Meat is very often asociated with bad health because people that do eat meat eat also a lot of carbs, fats, drink alcool.. and the blame falls on the meat… we do see that people thrive on carnivore diets, and there are very little studies on carnivores… as we’ve been lied so many years, food pyramids, bla bla… personnaly vegetables give me bloating, gas and discomfort, i try to stay away from it, meat gives me satisfation, strengh, constant energy, perfect digestion, all works wonderfully!
  • After years of eating meat replacement and almost giving myself prostate cancer I'm back to eating meat. Ethical meat this time. Thanks for helping me onto the right path for health and the planet doc!
  • @paulpaine3250
    Oh my god to say it has been a miracle 2 months in body pains are gone, my mind sharper, over 1 stone lost, severe immune responses gone, energy even and improved nails healthy, eyesight improved, off statins i could go on
  • @01spiropent
    Beef, Butter, Bacon, and Eggs saved my life Doctor. I've totally lost faith in the medical community. Virtually everything I was being told by MD's was incorrect in my journey. Further, it caused a lot of damage listening to them tell me how to live healthy. You know our species did pretty well for itself the first 250,000 years, well before the age of discovery, the industrial age, and the invention of Western Medicine.
  • Meat is good for you, eggs are good for you, chicken is good for you. I do eat ice cream a few times a week and dark chocolate. I need to enjoy my life a little. My grandmother lived to 94 and she ate ice cream, but ate healthy as well.
  • @lindacgrace2973
    LOL I'm the only liver fan in my family. I became a genius at hiding liver in spicy casseroles, curries, and stuffings. Trust me, that quarter pound of minced liver slipped into the chilli at the last minute (so it doesn't overcook - liver is actually quite delicate, like shrimp) gives that dish a huge nutritional boost and went unnoticed by both my kids!
  • @tonyamae1677
    I had no carbohydrates including vegetables and fruit, and no sugar for 3 months I've lost 60 pounds. I'm carnivore and I feel so much better.
  • @tonyamae1677
    Thank you dr Hyman for locking yourself in a hotel for a week and studying the paperwork AND THANK YOU FOR 📫 POSTING.
  • @p.c.h.6721
    What about Colon Cancer? Too many reporters regarding the link between Colon Cancer and meat consumption
  • @SuzanneZacharia
    I am a UK therapist and international coach, and time after time, unless they are suitably supplementing, clients that are vegan respond very slowly. We are talking about 10 sessions to 1, vegan compared to omnivore.
  • Thank you for all your diligence in bringing us comprehensive analysis of the current health concerns to optimize health
  • @maybrunet9158
    The 7 days Adventist live more than the rest of the population. I eat meat but this is confusing to me. Can you please comment on this Dr Mark?
  • @Coachnancyo
    here is my problem with meat in the us, mass production.
  • @AngieDCreates
    Used to eat all kinds of meats like liver, chops, ham, processed meats etc in my childhood but now I have no desire to eat that way as an adult.
  • @dave2059
    I just got my Function Health 100 tests scheduled today for a few weeks from now and also the Heavy Metals and Essential Minerals add-on test. I do eat grass fed beef. And butter and milk from grass fed cows and organic eggs from pasture raised chickens and organic chicken breasts that are air chilled, all that kind of good stuff. It seems to me that what you are advocating is a problem when it comes to scale. The requirement for a pasture raised chicken is that she gets 108 square feet for herself. You can have chickens crammed into a barn that are getting two square feet each. That's 54 chickens using the same square footage as that one pasture raised chicken. You turn those 54 chickens into pasture raised and you need 5,832 square feet. Factory farming has tens of thousands of chickens in a single barn. Where is the space coming from to raise these chickens in a humane and healthy way? This isn't a scale problem just for chickens. It's going to be a scale up problem for all kinds of meat. Where is the land going to come from?
  • Please debate saturated fat and cholesterol with Dr. Gil Carvahlo. I really don’t know what to think with different Doctors that I respect coming to such different conclusions.