ADHD Reset: Do These 7 Things Everyday Fix Your Brain & Stop Cognitive Decline | Dr. Mark Hyman

Published 2023-11-03
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In today’s world, we are seeing an epidemic of ADHD, along with depression, anxiety, dementia, autism, and more. These are systemic disorders where the body affects the brain. Yes, there’s a mind-body connection, but there’s also a body-mind connection. And everybody is different. ADHD is just a name we give to people who share a collection of symptoms: They can’t focus or pay attention, they’re inattentive, and they are hyperactive. These are symptoms. But what are the causes?

In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I talk about what causes ADHD, why it’s so prevalent, and my top strategies to address it. I also share a case study of a patient I treated for ADHD.

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Mentioned in this episode
The UltraMind Solution:…
Clayton’s handwriting:…
Function Health:

All Comments (21)
  • @loue6563
    I worked with children for 30+years. The kids having learning problems increased tenfold or more. From adhd and autism to just not being able to comprehend what they were trying to learn. And while a few children were helped by medication most were not. We would talk about why it was getting so much worse. I always said it was toxins all around us and the junk we eat. I just didn’t know how much our food was affecting us. I only wish we had known then what we are learning now. But I’m so glad we are doing so now.
  • @c.r.p.968
    As someone diagnosed with ADHD, married to someone absolutely with ADD (diagnosed) and 4 kids 3 of whom have also been diagnosed, I believe 'ADHD' is a combination of having either low or shut off ability to process dopamine, but also a creative mind. Back in the day, we used to run around a huge playground at recess, walk to/from school, immediately go out after school and ride bikes, climb trees and otherwise get into kid trouble. Now, and with my own kids, homework is like 4 hours work and every minute is scheduled. It's insane. Not to mention all the additives and processing of foods.
  • @shelleysmith6667
    I have been at this for decades. I'm VERY different than normal people. My ability to stay consistent is a joke. It just is. So I'm like Alice in wonderland following my nose. It's my body not my desire, so radical acceptance is key. My health has vastly improved doing all the things you mentioned... not my ADHD. My genetics are still the same. There are things that help for a bit, but I cannot change this hijacking of my will to not be ADHD. I'm am that breed. It's affected every aspect of my life. Knowing it has a name is helping me not feel so damn guilty. It's not fun at all. My dad was narcissist. My mom ADHD. She died at 44. I'm oldest. I identified with my dad but learned I'm not narcissist... just narcissist injured and more like my mom. I was parentified. Oldest of 7. I'll never unwind it all but wanna say I'm at peace better today than ever. I'm so very grateful to learn about healthy eating, mystic awakening and have people that love me.
  • @mariusd7803
    I think there may be a pandemic of adult-onset ADHD either already here or just around the corner due to the hyperstimulating nature of the digital world today. Our dopamine is being depleted from the very moment we wake up until we go to bed through our phones leaving people sluggish, anxious and depressed. We may as well have a hypodermic needle in our pocket or on our desks. The modern workplace needs to act wisely with multiple channels of communication (Emails, Teams, WhatsApp etc) before people get sick and fatigued with neural burnout. Hot desking especially for people with adult ADHD traits is a disaster. It's not being taken seriously at all.
  • @aleay7779
    I took my child to preschool for 3 years. At the end of the year, the teachers would tell me he couldn't sit still during circle or reading time. Because of this, I decided to homeschool him because I did not want public school to medicate him.
  • In university years, I got bloating and have problem with gas. Then I went abroad to China and got better diet and become better. But back in Indonesia, I got another thypoid bug and H. Pylori overgrowth because the sanitary problem in water system in Indonesia (problem with cheap diet). It ever already affecting my liver. So I got SIBO/ SIFO and my brain got broken again, I am on EDGE again and my brain fog is severe. I am better now. Because of better nutrition and right supplements, but lately I eat many junk food, you know that sugarly comfort food, and I feel a bit on edge again. 😂 I should read your book and fix my diet. I need to tackle this.
  • @cynthiasivak5689
    I wish these things had been known when I was growing up. I was a picture of hyperactivity in school....trouble paying attention, fidgity,trouble following directions, disruptive, didn't work well with others, notes from the teacher to my mom. This was the 1950s and 60s. Had those meds been around, I'd have probably been on one. Variations of this behavior carried on through different phases of my life, yet I somehow managed to become a nurse and found my niche in the ER. Later in life developed severe depression which has been on and off to varying degrees. I've since read that undiagnosed, untreated ADHD can lead to depression in later life and often wonder if my issues in early life were the underlying cause of my later problems. After watching your videos and interviews I wonder if I should seek out a holistic doctor, It's the one thing I've not tried. Thank you for all your work Dr. Hyman. I'm learning a lot and just might beat this yet.
  • @krugmeister7301
    My ADD tore me down...With Peer pressure on me too.. My High School Removed me from High School and Threw me into A MENTAL institution....A place to work with Others and myself....IT WAS HORRIBLE....😪😪😪
  • @jodyfro1312
    This feels so dismissive of people who have spend decades cleaning up their diets, taking supplements, getting toxins out of their homes yet still suffer from ADHD. I’m talking ADULTS. Then to have children benefitting from the best of care and food, etc. still suffering from similar symptoms. It is way, way deeper than what this video relays. Speaking from experience.
  • I am thoroughly convinced in many factors causing ADD. My number one is the use of technology and the speed at which we get our information. When I was a kid there were no phones. When we stood in a long line, we did not have our phones to keep us occupied. Our brains were FORCED to be mindful, activate creativity, take notice of your fellow man standing next to you, get to know him and care about him, etc. The other large influence IMO happened in the schools with the "knowledge is power" trip. Recesses and lunch periods were shortened. Toddlers and young children were forced to sit in seats for long periods of time and learn facts rather than learning by playing. So if Johnny can't sit still for 4 hours before lunch, of course he's going to act up! Doesn't mean he has ADD!!
  • I saw a functional medical doctor (actually two separate ones) for a few years. My initial labs were absolutely perfect. They never saw such perfect initial labs. I'm very careful to take care of myself. I've been eating very clean, nutrient dense, lower carb, etc. for decades. I even grow most of my veg and berries, raise my own chickens for meat and eggs, raise goats and cattle for A2 dairy, sheep for meat, and a friend raises grass-fed and finished beef for me. Just saying: a very high-quality diet, low stress, exercise daily, walk and hike frequently, sleep great (as long as I'm careful to do my Ayurvedic self-care practices daily), excellent elimination. On and on. My lab work showed zero inflammation, too. Textbook perfect. But I still have autism and it effects me daily. YES, it's definitely more problematic if I stray from my diet / lifestyle efforts, but it's always there. I'm almost 50 and just doing the best I can. No magic pills or quick fixes. The most peace I've found is (after doing all I CAN do) --- learning how to live with what I've been dealt. Embracing it and setting myself up for success. A small example: my daughter does most of my shopping. Shopping will set me back physically and mentally for days or weeks, so I stopped trying to force myself to do it.
  • @wildedibles819
    I got threatened by the school first without meds your son cannot come back to school Then got threatened by care workers who said if I didn't give him meds they could take my kids away because the Drs said my sons brain doesn't work right without meds But when he turned 18 they tried to take meds away which screwed around with his mental health Thanks for the talk getting it out there because even his pediatrician said food cannot change anything
  • @tttm99
    Great video as usual. ADD / ADHA always reminded me of umbrella terms for syndromes like IBS that were a shortcut at describing the symptoms, heavily commercialised for marketing purposes as much as for medical reasons. I just imagine these non diagnostic buckets being used for a cough and a doctor saying "ah! At last! We have the answer - you have a cough!" This is how they should be thought of - as largely diagnostically useless.
  • @thearb2003
    Diagnosed with Hashi's 2017 Endo who only tested my TSH knew I had to get more involved with my health. Food sensitivities and fixing the gut and getting on the right meds and right labs. We all need to pay attention to what is in our grocery cart. ! Recently addressing nutrients and making more changes to get those migraines at bay. Thank you for such great info and explained so well. Even at 5 days into this I see changes ... body is telling us something with these symptoms the only way it knows how to... by sympoms
  • @persnickety369
    Brains are just different. Schools are designed for a specific brain type.
  • @05greggo
    Sure wish that our public education system would adopt better guidelines for school lunches. Many of our kids could benefit, so could teachers. This holiday week was rough in school. Sugar intake was high. 😖
  • Inflammation of all ...and i had a Stroke my poor head apart is dead. No sleep, depression migraines so on and I'm over 60 i am old,fat bla bla bla.... thank you for the reset need ❤
  • I know what happened to me, Mr. Hyman. Overuse of antibiotics. My mom is a general practitioner. Her medical paradigm is even a slight infection needs to be treated with antibiotics. Which is in her era is right, because if your fever is to high your brain could be damaged and an earache could permanently damage your hearing. So I don't blame her. But it means I am the second generation of people who are using antibiotics intensely. On top of that my family have poor diet (lack in nutrition in term of variation and quality). So I have cronic ashtma when I was a child. Anemia when I was a teenager. Standard GAPS children. On top of that my mom treat my asthma with dexa, which is bad for the gut. My mental problem is worsening in my teenage years because I have thypoid infection and got another shot of antibiotics. I am overreacting to sound and light. Very nervous. Like always in the edge. Like in the verge of ADHD, but very light. I was very anxious. Looking back it is suffering growing up in that condition.