Publicado 2023-01-04
00:00 Intro
01:43 Qualifications
02:15 What is Aim?
06:09 Proper Practice
07:18 What do Aim Trainers do?
08:24 You don't need an Aim Trainer
09:10 Wrist VS Arm Aiming
11:27 What is DPI?
13:22 Aim is NOT muscle memory
14:54 Brain Chemistry
20:39 Mouse Grips
25:14 Mouse Weight
27:21 Mouse pad Types
29:30 Sitting Positions
31:12 Auto Pilot
32:20 Good Sleep
32:45 Be critical of yourself
34:11 Track your progress
35:55 Static Clicking
46:56 Dynamic Clicking
58:53 Speed Switching
01:16:15 Evasive Switching
01:22:07 Smooth Tracking
01:29:17 Reactive Tracking
01:35:59 How to improve faster
01:39:07 Practice Length
01:40:29 Practice Intensity
01:41:43 Mindset
01:44:22 Final Thoughts

🔴Main steam:

Feel free to contact me on Discord with any questions at all, aim related or not.

Looking for editing work by the way, in case anyone needs some done :)


Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @TobyWanShinobi
    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 01:43 🎯 Understanding Aim Fundamentals - Aim is the ability to move the mouse and position the Crosshair on the screen. - Three main aim types: tracking, click timing, and target switching, each crucial in different games. - Proper practice involves honing all three aim types to prevent skill bottlenecks and achieve overall improvement. 09:10 🖱️ Wrist vs. Arm Aim Technique - Both wrist and arm aiming are essential, with their advantages depending on sensitivity and movement range. - Combining both wrist and arm aiming techniques offers the most efficient approach to aim mastery. - Understanding DPI (Dots Per Inch) helps optimize mouse movement for better aim control. 15:05 🧠 Enhancing Focus and Learning Process - Focus intensifies the neurochemical process, aiding in marking neural pathways for improvement during rest. - Yerkes-Dodson Law emphasizes the optimal level of arousal for peak performance, avoiding under or over-arousal. - Motor learning and procedural memory play crucial roles in skill acquisition and improvement, including aiming. 20:34 🖱️📈 Ultimate Aim Mastery Guide: Techniques and Mouse Grips - Mouse grip types include palm, claw, and fingertip, each with its pros and cons. - Fingertip grip, especially for fast sensitivities, offers precision with increased range of motion in the fingertips. - Understanding and choosing the right mouse grip is foundational for improving aim accuracy and comfort. 22:21 🖱️ Grip techniques and their impact on precision aiming - Different grip techniques such as palm, claw, and fingertip grips affect precision aiming differently. - Claw grip, with the top part of the palm floating above the mouse, offers enhanced fingertip control. - Fingertip grip provides high precision but may lack control, especially during rapid target switching. 25:19 🐭 Mouse weight and pad selection considerations - Mouse weight impacts aiming precision and control, with lighter mice offering greater precision but requiring more control. - Soft pads offer comfort but may wear out faster, while hard pads provide less friction but may wear mouse skates faster. - Consider hand size, mouse weight, pad material, and dimensions when selecting a mouse and pad combination. 29:38 🪑 Optimal sitting position and posture for effective aiming - Optimal sitting position involves maintaining a flat back against the chair, feet flat on the floor, and arms positioned comfortably on the desk. - Consistency in sitting posture is crucial for effective training, ensuring repeatable positioning and muscle memory development. - Avoiding autopilot during practice sessions is essential for engaging the brain's learning processes and achieving improvement. 32:27 🛏️ Importance of quality sleep and self-critique in aim training - Quality sleep is vital for cognitive function and skill development, despite common tendencies to sacrifice sleep for gaming. - Being critical of one's gameplay through VOD reviews helps identify weaknesses and areas for improvement. - Tracking progress through goal setting and documentation fosters continuous improvement and motivates skill development. 36:03 🔍 Techniques and categories of aim training - Aim training encompasses three main categories: click timing, target switching, and tracking, each with subcategories. - Click timing involves static and dynamic clicking, focusing on raw aiming ability and micro-adjustment skills. - Effective click timing practice emphasizes technique, stopping power, scenario selection, and replicating in-game aiming dynamics. 44:26 🎯 Focusing on reward-based practice - Practicing to avoid missing targets by rewarding hitting them. - Implementing a restart mechanism to reinforce positive outcomes. - Utilizing dopamine release as a reward for completing scenarios. 46:04 🎮 Differentiating between static and dynamic aiming - Understanding the differences between static and dynamic aiming scenarios. - Emphasizing the importance of stopping power and precision in static aiming. - Discussing the challenges and skill requirements of dynamic aiming, including map reading and multitasking. 47:33 🔍 Adjusting visual settings for better target tracking - Tips for adjusting visual settings to improve target visibility and tracking. - Recommending grid or brick backgrounds for easier target tracking. - Highlighting the importance of visual clarity in dynamic scenarios. 49:01 🔄 Balancing flicking and tracking in dynamic scenarios - Emphasizing the balance between flicking onto targets and tracking their movements. - Discussing the significance of micro adjustments in dynamic scenarios. - Addressing common mistakes such as flicking ahead of moving targets and excessive tracking. 01:04:14 🔫 Target Switching Techniques - Efficient target switching eliminates accuracy loss, maintains tempo, and improves speed. - Holding Mouse 1 consistently maximizes damage uptime and enhances control during flicks. - Incorporating arm movements alongside wrist movements develops a hybrid technique for better adaptability. 01:06:17 🔄 Importance of Holding Mouse 1 - Holding Mouse 1 continuously streamlines the transition from flicking to shooting, enhancing tracking readiness. - Maintaining a constant shooting state reduces downtime between targets, improving overall efficiency. - Building a connection between flicking and shooting reduces cognitive load and enhances response time. 01:10:32 📖 Scenario Awareness in Target Switching - Reading the scenario aids in identifying target locations, enabling quicker target acquisition. - Anticipating bot positions based on previous eliminations minimizes reaction time and optimizes movement. - Developing scenario awareness enhances gameplay adaptability and strategic decision-making. 01:13:03 🎯 Practice Methodology for Aim Improvement - Effective aim practice focuses on mastering fundamental techniques rather than pursuing high scores. - Emulating in-game aiming situations promotes skill transfer and practical proficiency. - Consistent practice with diverse scenarios cultivates adaptability and hones specific aiming skills. 01:16:45 ⚡ Differentiation Between Speed and Evasive Switching - Speed switching emphasizes quick target acquisition, prioritizing speed over accuracy. - Evasive switching requires precise target tracking due to moving targets, balancing accuracy and speed. - Incorporating both types of switching in practice enhances overall aiming capabilities and adaptability. 01:21:13 🎮 Playlist Organization and Training Variety - Structuring playlists with diverse scenarios aids in comprehensive skill development. - Incorporating various aim types, including static, dynamic, speed, evasive, smooth, and reactive, ensures holistic improvement. - Randomizing scenarios within playlists promotes adaptability and simulates real-game aiming challenges. 01:24:05 🎯 Smooth Tracking Technique - Smooth tracking technique emphasizes smoothness over reactive movements. 01:29:20 🎯 Reactive Tracking Mastery - Reactive tracking is considered the most challenging aspect of aiming. - Requires proficiency in target switching, speed, evasion, smooth tracking, and clicking skills. 01:33:26 🎯 Eliminating Wasteful Movement - Wasteful movements in reactive tracking lead to downtime and inefficiency. - Deliberately underflicking helps to reduce overflicking and increase accuracy. 01:36:22 🎯 Effective Improvement Strategies - Deliberately targeting weaknesses accelerates improvement in aim training. - Recording gameplay and self-assessment aid in identifying weaknesses. - Optimal practice length varies but should be at least an hour per day, focusing on challenging yet manageable scenarios. 01:41:45 🎯 Mindset, Mentality, and Motivation - Maintaining motivation and the right mindset is crucial for long-term improvement. - Improvement in aiming skills may not always be immediately noticeable but consistent effort yields results over
  • @its_lucky252
    you did not have to flex your iq on us like that 😭
  • @imdotsam
    Aim Notes: Click Timing - Multi FOV Warm up 1) learn aiming like you would learn a musical instrument - master the technique slowly at first 2) flick fast but take your time on the correction (STOPPING POWER) 3) restart if you miss in the first 10 secs 4) restart on 4th miss (even if you're on the last sec) - Be nice and precise, no floating, flicking and think about decelerating - Auto microadjusting Dynamic Clicking - 1wall5target pasu Change background and color if its bad 1) Don't keep track, as soon as you hover target, click and move on 2) Care about speed and accuracy. Don't speed click (APING) 3) Flick and microtrack (think of ScreaM warmup) Speed Switching - Target Switching 360 Static 1) Good Stopping Power (CSGO/Warzone) (Spray Transfering) 2) Use wrist and arm * MAKE SURE TO PLAY HOW YOU'D PLAY IN GAME * Evasive Target Switching - kints voltaic easy 1) Accuracy and Speed but mostly the first 2) Flick and little track Smooth Tracking - 1) Don't guess about where the target will go 2) BE smooth, not reactive 3) Don't jolt to catch it, just flick back on it 4) Pay attention to mouse grip (BE NEUTRAL) Reactive Tracking - Close Fast Strafes e 1) Don't need to react to all movements, focus on the main movements 2) No flicking, track the bot 3) No jittering After all this, focus on attacking weaknesses Deliberately targetting weaknesses Do VOD review, whats going wrong? Practice Length minimum 1 hour per day - don't do the same one's everyday - It's like the gym, keep practicing everyday and eventually you'll get better. -It's hard to see that your aim is getting better so just keep going
    A few things to clear up. In the video I sometimes mention having a picture of an example on the screen, I couldn't find anything high enough quality to actually throw in, so instead I left it blank to not mislead or give poor examples that don't help my explanation
  • @Majid-dl3ip
    I have 3600+hr at kovaak and am absolutely confirm this , I was un utter shit at fps in general then I start playing kovaaks in Covid-19 lock down I was setting infront of my pc for 6 months and I become the one that they call out " REPORT SOLDIER 76 FOR AIM BOT " best feeling ever
  • @monke5403
    finally, a video thats not a 10 min get "pro" aim "routine", this video is actually helpful in the sense that it actually breaks down the mechanics and goals for different scenarios and how to properly use them. this video is actually gold and i cant believe you didnt charge for it it is actually that useful.
  • In case you're wondering. The game hes playing in the start is Shatterline.
  • @nade5557
    44:06 I can vouch for this point. I used to grind a racing game which penalises you in time trials for collisions with walls, even if they are grazes and cause no damage. Previously, I was used to slightly sloppy racing because collisions were never penalised in previous games I played, so to drill it into my head that you can't touch the walls I would restart the time trial every time I got penalised. It was very annoying but it greatly improved my accuracy and feeling of how to place the car in a corner. A similar thing in cs2 is to run around deathmatch with a deagle and not reload by yourself (i.e don't press R). It just makes you think about each shot more and penalises you for whiffing. I saw a marked improvement in my headshot and first bullet accuracy
  • @juderees6101
    yo man if ur still reading comments i havnt left a comment on YT for months but came across this video at midnight and clicked before realising the length. almost 2 hours later and i can confirm this is what i needed to get back into aim trainers as id used them a couple times but never consistently. great video good job
  • @f4txm1c
    Bro. Big thx for this guide, now i understand a lot of my mistakes, i started to gripping my mouse less harder and got smoother in strafe tracking! Really helpful guide and big respect for u
  • @Robbiehoo
    Thank you Mr.Greed. You pointed out everything I was doing wrong with aim training. Floaty aim, shaky stops, lazy aim ( waiting for the bot in evasive switching scenarios ). After ironing out the obvious problems in my aim, I was not sure of what I was doing wrong anymore. Got the video recommended at the perfect time. Shall update on the progress in a year maybe. Thank you again❤
  • one of the best youtube videos i've ever seen. can tell you're bright. if you're a young bloke, you have a bright future ahead of you if you apply your brain power to useful and fruitful pursuits
  • @CoinGames30
    Sharing this video this is what I’ve needed for so long an many others need this your a god sent thank you for the awesome vod
  • @rainiosvids
    I’d also recommend reading “the inner game of tennis” this book will help you 10x your results. It’ll teach you a ton about natural learning and mindset.
  • @grimR__
    Hey I really appreciate your video. you really put into perspective how you can get to that higher level with the right technique. For too long I felt I wasn't progressing far after 630 hours. But now I really get it and am seeing the results. You're saving aim out here thank you!
  • @venxit4592
    Thanks to this video which I know, I'm late to... and found it off you're quitting ow2 video I went up from Ruby 4 to Emerald 4 in Aimlab within 2 hours! Which was a shocker for me because I have been having a huge skill decrease I was unable to fix alone. I tried searching up videos on how to get better and would try their ideas for usually a week - a month with consistent timings and all with no help. So for this to already be showing me signs of betterment made me know that I still have a chance to keep up in gaming! You are amazing and thanks for this comprehensive and actually useful guide!
  • @Arnichoutoutou
    Oh my, that is quite the long video, good job on keeping your promises! Very cool
  • Dude, THIS was a sick freaking video! Thank you so much for this. I have been playing cod games for years and have always taking my MMR seriously. Despite how long I have been playing fps games I was never aware of the aim community and have always wanted to get better aim. I feel like this whole time (YEARS) I have been led astray by videos talking about how to aim and developing muscle memory. BUT this video led to the fields of plenteous and MAN HAVE I ATE. You have fed me with this video and it was awesome. I have been taking notes on this videos for the past two weeks and now; just today I have finally completed completed them with, 7 pages worth of notes on college ruled paper. Thank you, I can't wait to put everything into practice and watch my aim improve.
  • @jam28822
    actually thanks so much for this, i've really wanted to get good at valorant for a couple months now and felt my aim was really holding me back, along with all my other mechanics of course, this video is a big help, cheers!