Who let GenX off the hook


コメント (21)
  • Many of our toys were later banned as unsafe, we rode around standing up in the backseat of cars or the beds of pickup trucks, we disappeared for hours on our bikes with no way to contact us or know where we were, we ran into the store to buy our parents beer and cigarettes, we drove lawnmowers and tractors before we were 10YO, we were completely self sufficient for hours at a time while our parents worked or went out. 90% of the things I was allowed to do as a child, would send a parent to prison today. God I miss the the freedom we had.
  • @stevereaver
    Born in the 70's, grew up in the 80's, partied in the 90's. Nothing but the best.
  • @dkibler1974
    I'm a total GenXer and I truly believe we lived in the greatest time in human history. The 80s and 90s were the most awesome time to be alive. And I think we did quite well.
  • @Kuuppon
    There was a public service announcement for parents that quite literally asked, "Do you know where your kids are?" because that is how we were raised, forgotten as kids and we'd like to remain forgotten as adults. Thank you very much.
  • Who knew being born before the Internet and cell phones would have been a huge blessing. Common sense is truly a gift these days
  • @toots810usa6
    I think the biggest thing about us Gen X'ers is we don't give a flying fig what anyone thinks about us or how we choose to live our lives and that scares the hell out of people because they can't control us. Fist bump to all my fellow peeps that grew up drinking out of the hose and rode bikes without helmets!
  • GEN X- 1965-80 ... often imitated by others but will never be duplicated. We"re a rare and special breed y'all! I love you bastards.
  • Drinking out of the garden hose, the telephone is stuck on the wall and don't want to see you until the street lights come on. The best of times.
  • @J2982able
    We didn't live through our childhoods, we survived them.
  • As a Gen X'er, I was given a wrist rocket, a carton of BBs, and left to run in the woods until the lights came on at night. On the weekends, my friends and I would ride our bicycles about 8 miles away from home to go to the arcade. Some of us had wood shop, metal shop, and even home economics. By the time I was 10, I was learning to hunt animals with a sling shot, riding my bicycle to the mall, learning how to use band saws and welders, and learning how to cook and sew. Then, I had my own key to my house to let myself in and get my homework done before my mother got home. Yeah, we don't have time to hear about how "difficult" your life is. Oh, and to the other Gen X'ers that learned how to balance a checkbook when they were about 8 yrs old. Keep up the great work!
  • @eeverett2
    Gen X is the generation that knew about the beautiful, high trust and prosperous world that was fading away as we came along. The WWII generation fought in the war, raised four kids per woman, did hard factory work, and participated in civic groups and did volunteer work in their spare time. It was all of that hard work and sacrifice that created all of the good things that emerged during the 1950s-60s. But, boomers didn't want to pay it forward. They didn't want to work that hard. They turned to money lending, financial tricks, and usury, to entrap other people into doing all of that hard work for them. They had fewer kids and many of these kids became the latchkey generation, so called because when we got home from school, there was no one at home, and we needed to open the lock ourselves. The good part of this experience was that we learned how to take care of ourselves. We also learned that the world didn't just revolve around us. The Boomer generation just focuses on the Boomer generation. Their needs are still the focus of public policy, and of media and cultural attention. So, not much was handed to us, and so we don't have an attitude of entitlement. Our attitude, is more like an immigrant attitude. We just have to adapt, find a place for ourselves, learn to survive. I think that we have more of a focus on our family and community because we know that the system, isn't working for us.
  • @GeoFry3
    Gen X We know the old ways. We invented the new ways. We are getting older and grumpier by the day and are less and less concerned about silly things like social credit score or prison time. Cross us at your peril. 1971 vintage
  • I'M a genx'er. I went to a public school where the teachers were legally allowed to beat me with a paddle hanging up in their room. I WALKED a mile and a half to and from school everyday and was on my own until my parents got home. Our bullies would beat us up until we turned around and clobbered them hard enough to be left alone. You either played alone or made friends. We watched cartoons on the hand-me-down black and white TV from our grandparents... if cartoons were on. We had to read books. We weren't allowed to have feelings or opinions. You'd go over to your grandparent's house and learn how to do something useful... like cook, clean, fix things, or patch up your own wounds when you'd FAFO. We didn't wear bike helmets. We were the last non-soft generatio... drinking out of a garden house and skinning our knees and elbows playing football on an asphalt street. You can't hang with us. You can barely get out of bed and go work a 9 to 5 without having an emotional breakdown.
  • As a Gen Xer I always wondered why we were left to our own devices. Never harassed about who or what we were about. I wondered... Till we hit our 40's and I started to see just how crazy we can be. We're the ones that rode bikes and skateboards with no protection. We were tossed outside in the sun and told not to come home till dark out. We were the last of the no warnings Gen. You can't make em like us anymore
  • @mimesthai
    Gen Xer here. I was allowed to play with fire as a child, had my own pocket knife, a slingshot, started to ride city buses to go to school when I was ten years old. I made life changing decisions when I was still a child. These things were all normal at that time. My friends did the same things. People of other generations are usually afraid of confronting me. My childhood gave me a lot of resilience and resourcefulness.
  • "leave me alone" Is a fitting motto for us Xers. We are true generational ninja who have mastered the art of invisibility.
  • I was born being told to prepare for the apocalypses, I was raised to expect a nuclear strike. I never had expectations of growing old or retirement. Gen-x doesn't cancel, it deletes. We do not seek to control chaos, it is in chaos we thrive.
  • @akoww1000
    I am thankful I was born Gen-X "1972" I had a great childhood in the 70s and the best teen years in the 80s. I grew up with the best music and movies. No internet or cellphones made life way better as a teen. We had to go to peoples homes to hang out, go to the mall and rode our bikes every where.
  • As a Gen X I remember buying cigarettes at the store for my parents when I was 10 with a note from my mom. Back then a note from your mom carried a lot of weight.