2024-05-21 Reconquest - Strength from a New Pentecost

Publicado 2024-05-25
En Español:    • 2024-05-21 Reconquista - La Fortaleza...  

Regarding our current circumstances:

The Reconquest and the Messages

We believe God has called the Mission of Divine Mercy (MDM), through prophetic Messages and other means, to aid Him in the great Reconquest of the Hearts of His Children and the renewal of His Church.

In discernment and obedience to this call, and after honoring our Archbishop’s request of silence for seven years, our Community began publishing these prophetic Messages, beginning on February 28, 2024. The Messages speak of great Hope, but also of the terrible corruption at the highest levels of the Church.

In one Message, speaking to the Bishops of the great tribulation the Church is undergoing, Our Lord states: You have allowed the usurper to sit on the chair of My Peter – he who is carrying out the Great Treason that will leave My Church desolate. A shocking statement—but one that sheds profound light on the terrible suffering and confusion being experienced by so many of the faithful today. In using the words “usurper” (one who in some sense assumes a position of authority illegitimately) and “Great Treason,” we understand the Lord to be saying that Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) is not exercising the papal office validly and that he is doing grave damage to the Church. 

Conflict With the Archdiocese

Unfortunately, the publication of these Messages has led to conflict with our Archbishop who has issued decrees of canonical sanctions against MDM, including withdrawing approval for the Mission of Divine Mercy to function as a Catholic apostolate in the Archdiocese of San Antonio and removing Fr. John Mary’s faculties. (Please see the Archbishop’s decrees and our statements and responses missionofdivinemercy.org/decrees-statements/ )

We are currently working to resolve this conflict, and we pray in God’s time and through His actions it will be. But above all we believe we must be obedient to God, following the example of our Lord. 

Obeying God in an Unprecedented Crisis

The actions of Jorge Bergoglio, his subversion of the Deposit of Faith, constitute an unprecedented crisis in the Church. As St. Thomas Aquinas taught, in such circumstances otherwise good laws followed blindly can cause great harm. There are times when “it is bad to follow the law, and it is good to set aside the letter of the law and to follow the dictates of justice and the common good” (II-II, Q 121, Art. 1).

Due to this unprecedented crisis, we believe God is asking us to continue our public ministry despite the canonical sanctions. We would not do this in ordinary times, but given the crisis we believe we must say with St. Peter, “‘Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge; for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard’” (Acts 4:19).

Request for Prayer

We ask for your prayers—for MDM, for the Archbishop, and for the Church as a whole. If we are wrong, may the Lord bring us back to the correct path. If we are right, may He help us remain faithful. And may Our Blessed Mother intercede for all of us.

Jesus, we trust in You.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @akc783
    I propose that each of us here in the comments section commits to saying at least a decade of the rosary for the wonderful souls at the Mission of Divine Mercy. Who’s with me?
  • We must be patient! Trust God! Go to Mass as often as possible. Go to confession monthly. Pray the rosary daily. Visit Jesus in adoration. Participate in first Fridays and Saturdays. Read the Bible. Make sacrifices. Thank you Father for these messages.
  • @pavman42
    This is truth. I understand the controversy, but it is what is. You either understand or you don't. May all things be done according to God's Holy Will.
  • @MarthaMyDear6
    I am sitting in traffic on IH35 driving towards New Braunfels when this notification came through. I wish the Mission grounds were open. I want to go now and meditate on this message. ♥️🌹🙏📿
  • Thank you Father John Mary. We all anxiously await the Messages from New Tepeyak, because from "Here" the rivers of Grace promised by long time will flow to transform the little children into courageous soldiers who will fight in the Army of Mary, our "Celeste Condottiera" and Victorious Queen of the World. I remember very well the lovingly maternal words that the Blessed Virgin addressed to Juan Diego with a questioning tone to console and encourage him and that I think, made him cry for the hope, comfort and love that they gave him... and I remember that every sentence was an interrogative question that did not expect for an answer (rhetorical question) only told to reveale the Heart of the Mother by making the Truth that it affirmed sweetly felt and received. And I am always moved and finding faith and courage when I read this conversation with Juan Diego. Father John Mary I'm following the Messages from Italy with great joy receiving love and peace from them and I'am trying to translate them into Italian to spread them as much as I can, but I am old and not so much able to post.... I hope there are other Italians capable of putting them on YouTube and other social networks.
  • @goldenarrow7242
    I have heard that it has been profecied by Fr. Blount that when Carlo Acutis is canonized, the Holy Ghost will come down to make many young saints. This message ties up well with that profecy. Watch things unfold as Carlo Acutis is made a saint.
  • @pete86
    These messages are powerful and deeply moving. 🙏🏼✝️
  • @loyeyoung1068
    The messages about the Chair of Peter are indeed extraordinary, so they require extraordinary confirmation. The messages themselves say that God is about to send undeniable, extraordinary confirmation. Consequently, we merely need to keep an open mind and wait for the miracles to come. We do not need to justify, prove, or judge the extraordinary messages; they are either true or false, and if true, God will make that evident. Meanwhile, the messages are telling the hearers of the messages to do what we should always be doing.
  • Thank you most blessed mother. I felt this message was speaking directly to my life and explaining what is happening to me, but I am sure there are so many of your children going through sufferings. I'm glad to know and hope the suffering is forming us all more completely. Thank you once again to all at the Mission of Divine Mercy, Fr. John Mary, Sister Amapola and the rest.
  • @day1678
    Mother, I long for this new Spring Time of love, peace and joy to arrive! Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
  • Thanks my Mother for speaking with us. I love you and will always listen to you🙏❣️
  • @day1678
    Love the Blessed Mother! Never, ever let go of her guiding hand that will lead us to Jesus. Pray as never before - especially the Rosary (daily) for her intentions. Love her!
  • @dianapack2963
    🙏✝️❤️💗🙏✝️❤️💗🙏. Love and prayers from Sydney Australia 🙏✝️❤️💗
  • @ipoh3629
    We the sheep who are awake hear the call, but our Shepherds........they continue to slumber!!! We must pray unceasingly for them.... they who are supposed to be the learned, that it will not be too late for them. We also keep in prayer Fr John and his Mission members.
  • @francesdunham2030
    Dear Father John Mary in his homily this past Sunday spoke so beautifully about uncertainty - and I would like to add "certainty". As we ask for God's will in our lives and we are drawn to the Mission, I say I am quite certain. God bless Fr. John Mary, Sister Amapola, and the Mission. How we limit God. So many of the messages say, "Do not be afraid." What a gift the Mission is.
  • Oh Immaculate Mother Mary, thank you! Oh my Jesus true God and true man, thank you! And thank you Father John Foster Mary and Sr. Amapola for being God’s instruments in bringing us these messages from heaven for our edification and consolation!
  • @marybaer4660
    God Bless you Father. Thank you for all your messages. Pray for our children's conversions.