WTC 7 Blast

Published 2011-11-08
Addressing the "blast" of WTC 7.

All Comments (21)
  • @grandmastershek
    "Why don't you take a listen to "911 Eyewitness Hoboken - Full" (2005) to hear that blast sound from across the river? " I listened and there was nothing that sounded like a CD. If you listen to Seigel he says "there was no sign it would collapse". But its farm more likely a camera from Hoboken a few miles away would capture these explosions, meanwhile not 1 in lower Manhattan did.
  • @grandmastershek
    Nice...let me know when you have anything that sounds like a CD.
  • @grandmastershek
    So Jack let me get this straight, every news outlet on the planet that aired the collapses of WTC's 1, 2, & 7, not to mention the people on the street or at home recording, had their videos confiscated by the US govt? Pretty impressive operation to rid every video of CD explosions.
  • @grandmastershek
    If you watched the video and understood it you would know where I got the video and sound from. Again, making claims is not evidence.
  • @grandmastershek
    I guess that's why the truthers who originally released it say otherwise.
  • @grandmastershek
    " NIST held all tapes and allowed only certain tapes to be aired on TV. We had to sue, to view them." Evidence or it didn't happen. You do realize WTC 7's collapse was aired live right? And that's why that same shot was used in the first Loose Change. Because they collected video does not mean they confiscated every copy of every video and refused to allow anyone to air it.
  • @grandmastershek
    "The only place we can view them is here on Youtube. TV still won't air them. " Because the only people obsessed with 9/11 is a fringe cult.
  • @grandmastershek
    Gourley admits on his own website as I cited to it that the NIST version was the original. Sorry, but the fact is that we have multiple videos of WTC 7 and no video anywhere is close to what occurs in a CD. I asked how you can isolate the explosion while maintaining the peripheral sound and you ignored it. There is a reason for that. Sorry, but facts are stubborn things.
  • @grandmastershek
    " that either bluntly cut the penthouse collapse out or didn't have sound." Fairly simple...explain how they "cut' the sound of the explosions out,. while maintaining the peripheral noise and talking. Truthers have been running away from the EMP since day 1 as it smashes their delusions of symmetry and not a single sound like an explosive can be detected. My video compares both side by side and to real CD's/ WTC 7 is nothing like a real CD no matter how many back flips you do.
  • @grandmastershek
    You do know NIST did not take these videos right? If NIST did manipulate it you would think they would have cut away before that distortion. Again, 0 evidence NIST manipulated it. Its just another "anomaly" argument. Just because the track got messed up at some point does not mean they altered the sound. Which is more likely? The track has a fault in it, or NIST ran around the country removing the sound of explosions out of every copy of every video that existed before their investigation.
  • @Trepur349
    the heavy metal ruins the video, I can't hear anything and can't turn up my volume without the music being way to loud. 
  • @grandmastershek
    I understand what a mixer is. It still doesn't demonstrate NIST doctored the sound. You could of course demonstrate your claims in a forensics journal, but like most truthers I get the feeling your not really willing to put your claims up to scrutiny in a reputable forum.
  • @Rid-iculo-us
    OMG... LOLOLOL... that has to be the most pathetic and immature attempt of spreading misinformation I've ever seen. Hahaha... so many captions, so little substance. The pubescent angry music just sums it up. Cute!
  • @grandmastershek
    Sorry but saying NISt doctored it over and over again is not explaining anything. I understand your explanation of using a mixer with a comparable track, but sadly you have yet to demonstrate that is what happened.
  • @grandmastershek
    Figures...a sound engineer considers himself an expert in forensics. Again, why not publish?
  • @grandmastershek
    Again, you have 0 evidence NIST did this. Claiming they did is not evidence.
  • @grandmastershek
    LOL! Completely delusional. I guess you either missed, or chose to ignore, the complete lack of detonations near WTC 7, while they were readily audible at far greater distances in actual demo's. I included a link at the end of a building demo'd on Governor's Island off NYC this summer that was recorded over 2 miles away. Don't let a thing like facts get in your way.
  • @grandmastershek
    You have 0 evidence NIST did, just your claim. Here is another field where truthers should be publishing on but as usual we have claims on the internet and little else.
  • @grandmastershek
    We have common DNA with reptilians as we do with all life. Please crack a bio text. And please don't try to mix your magic with actual science.