Lee Greenwood God Bless the USA at Reagan Library Opening

Published 2016-09-15
Lee Greenwood sings God Bless the USA at the Reagan Library Grand Opening ceremony in Simi Valley, California on November 4, 1991. Video courtesy of the Reagan Foundation.

All Comments (21)
  • I wish they would show the picture of all the presidents standing when Lee Greenwood sang "I will stand up next to you."
  • @gmman00000
    Will always get chills, you aren’t an American or understand the meaning of this song if you don’t. God Bless the USA!!! 🇺🇸👏👏👏🇺🇸
  • If you don’t get emotional when hearing this anointed song.... you don’t have a human heart beating in your chest. I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! GOD BLESS THE USA!!!!
  • I can’t wait to go to this library once this pandemic is lifted because it’s been a dream of mine to see the Reagan library
  • Thank You Jesus, for letting us be born in America!!! I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! Psalm 122:6!
  • Am so very very proud to be an American... God bless our soldiers for defending this wonderful country. Mr. Greenwood's song is so totally inspiring... no mateer where or when each & every citizen should always stand up & salute the American flag
  • @awthenderson8852
    Too bad the camera didn't show a wider wide during Lee Greenwood's singing of 'God Bless the USA'. According to his own accounting, all five Presidents (Bush, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Ford) at this event stood up at the phrase "and I'll stand up next to you and defend her still today"...
  • @robkocol5664
    In a Video here on the Country Road TV channel, Lee Greenwood tells the wonderful backstory about his core life influence in the writing of "God Bless the USA". Along with that he shares his very moving experience in performing the song for 5 Presidents and 6 First Ladies in attendance, during the opening of the Reagan Library opening.
  • @rvandy5728
    Lee Greenwood’s song is a tribute to the America I grew up believing in. Unfortunately, academia, the media and an uninformed, immature, entitled youth have muddled the vision of unity, sacrifice and aspiration that is our country. We have to save it.
  • @NathanielTanFL
    Magnificant. I can't wait for him to perform in President Trump's Library Opening!
  • @jenneyryan1083
    So proud to live in the USA with all my American friends and family.
  • @tmr3513
    Shortly after President Reagan's death, while his body laid in state at the U.S. capitol, I was visited at my home by a young Secret Service agent from his detail. It seemed, that as they were contacting those who had been on the printed list of invited guests to attend his funeral at the Reagan library, was a name written in ink by Mr. Reagan at the very bottom. It was my name. The agent told me they had to contact FBI headquarters in Washington to find out who I was and where I lived. After discovering that I lived less than 20 minutes from the library he asked if he could drive to my home to notify me in person and the agent in charge agreed. As it so happened I was home and alone when he arrived. During our conversation he explained that years ago Mr. Reagan and his agents and staff had say down and planned his funeral something every former President has to do. When the plans were finalized they presented him with it all typed and detailed. He sat and read through it. After he read through the list of attendees that he wished to be there, foreign dignitaries, personal and political friends and family, Mr. Reagan asked the head of his detail for his pen and wrote at the very bottom my name. He said, "There now the list is complete". They asked if he wanted it retyped and he said, "No, leave it as is". So there I was stunned, standing there in my front yard, while a Secret Service agent explained to me the details of what was necessary for me to get to the library to attend his funeral. Then I told him I couldn't go. It was not because I didn't want to it was because no one knew of our personal connection. Even my wife. He asked me how I knew him. I told him I had never met him but only had spoken with him over the phone for 15 minutes decades ago. On the 5th of August 1983 there was an incident on a Navy base in Virginia that created an unprecedented national security breach. I through critical thinking and comprehending the international ramifications and political fall out if this became publicly known resolved the issue in the only logical way possible. For my actions that day President Reagan personally meritoriously promoted me to the next higher pay grade. I am, most likely to this day, the only person to serve in the military, to have that honor. Because this incident had never been known by his political enemies Ronald Reagan easily won his 2nd term in office. And decades later he remembered who gave him that. I was the only private citizen to be invited to attend the funeral of President Ronald Reagan. Somewhere in the Reagan library archives there is proof. My name written in his handwriting.
  • Amen but the one who loved Him more I believe was President Reagan. So many of Americans believed that too. He was never afraid to speak up and “Mr. Khrushchev tear down this wall “. Will live on in our hearts.
  • @suzannebenz8928
    Thank you PRES Reagan, for ALL you did for our America!!!!! Thank you Mr Greenwood, for creating this song for all of us!!! The Reagan Library is OUTSTANDING!!!! Every citizen should visit this GREAT site!!!!