The Hypocrisy of The Young Turks Continues

When I was the video on YouTube about The Young Turks criticizing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the issue the controversial Medicare for All issue, I was angry and embarrassed as Democrat. I was angry at Cenk Uygur and The Young Turks criticizing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi because she is not a Democrat. What I also found under the video are the comments the other people made in contrast to my comment on the comment section and you are going to believe the nonsense the other people made in their comment with one saying, "Joe Biden is not a progressive. Let's get rid of the guy and put Bernie Sanders as the Democratic candidate." This is why Cenk Uygur and The Young Turks are supporting self-proclaimed progressives like Bernie Sanders. But at the same time, they still denied the Armenian Genocide because Cenk Uygur took the name "The Young Turks" after the Young Turk Movement who are calling for the deportation of Armenians out of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. This is why I am calling for a nationwide boycott of The Young Turks. Join me to boycott The Young Turks because we will silence hypocrites like Cenk Uygur. #BoycottTYT

コメント (2)
  • So everything this guy disagrees with is a stupid comment and vice versa. Glad to know this is what this guy is doing other than calling Snowden a traitor xD lol