高虹安判決書「光速出爐」一刀斃命! 陳佩琪急「自清三大案」柯文哲嚇到睡不著!?【關鍵時刻】20240729-4 劉寶傑 張禹宣 林裕豐 王瑞德 姚惠珍

The verdict was a "scalpel-style" conviction! ? The judge sentenced Gao Hongan to "the crime of taking advantage of his position to defraud property"!
The judgment "Listed Accounts" determined that Gao Hongan was embezzled! ? Wang Yuwen’s extra 466 yuan was completely accounted for! ?
Peggy Chen was "anxious" and posted a long article to plead grievances for Gao Hongan? The whole article is asking "Is there anything going on with Ke Wenzhe's three major cases?"! ?
Ke Wenzhe guarantees that "there are no problems with the cases I handle"? Cut off Chen Chongwen and Wu Dongjin... urgently make it clear that there is absolutely no consideration relationship!
Ke Wenzhe was so afraid of Gao Hongan's accident that he "couldn't sleep in the middle of the night"! ? According to the latest poll, 40% of the people believe that "Ke Wenzhe will be imprisoned"!
The court sentenced Gao Hongan to "use his position to defraud property"! Wang Yuwen posted an article calling for injustice...Lin: Low salary and high compensation are guilty!
No one in the Legislative Yuan office kept accounts below a thousand yuan? Lin: Gao Hongan’s request for accounting to single digits “turns everything into evidence”!
The judge's ruling "Every dollar is listed" slaps Wang Yuwen in the face? Lin: Sour Wang Yuwen graduated from college and didn’t know there was a problem!
Wang Yuwen claimed that there were "16 missing minutes" in the investigation? Lin: It is impossible for the prosecutor to overturn the case because he knows how to be upright!
Is Gao Hongan's accusation that his office spent a lot of money a "self-reported crime"? Lin: The judge lectured in court, "Stop consuming assistants"!
Wang Yuwen complained that he was wronged and had "no regrets". He may be sentenced to a heavier sentence in the second trial! ? Wang: The judge has reduced the sentence! The prosecutor will definitely appeal again!
Gao Hongan was suspended due to conviction...Ke Wenzhe and his wife are anxious first? Wang: I still can’t explain why I’m the only one in Jinghua City!
Gao Hongan was involved in corruption, and the judge found out that "public and private affairs should be separated" every cent. Yao: Gao was sentenced severely, "Ke and his wife were trembling with fear"!
Peggy Chen posted an article revealing that "Beishike Ke Wenzhe personally handled it" Yao: "Draw the equal sign" If there is a problem with Beishike, something will happen to Ke Wenzhe!
In the Beishike case, Ke Wenzhe held three meetings with Shin Kong Life Insurance and "accepted all orders"! ? Yao: "Customized" royalties are revised down!

コメント (21)
  • @user-yq2pd9rb6s
  • @qcq605
    王郁文他已經犯罪還認同貪污行為。 是否是犯罪事實,如果高虹安被認定貪污,那王郁文應該就是做偽證。
  • @pingting9234
  • @user-rn7yb3hx5e
  • @user-qg7ni6mt2y
    這才是重判↓ 前金防部少將林帝志侵占7,990元洗衣機、雖事後買新的洗衣機歸還、仍遭判刑12年。
  • @hamadicr
    高虹安就是太過自信, 覺得自己鋒頭正健, 想做甚麼就做甚麼, 沒有在乎法規. 柯文哲又比高虹安更自信, 非常可能柯文哲沒有按法規辦事比高虹安嚴重太多. 高虹安幾十萬就被定罪, 柯文哲當市長8年都沒問題嗎? 鄭文燦都被收押了, 還有誰不能辦呢?
  • @lu5382
    民眾黨縣市首長貪汙率 100% 笑死
  • @WoodyWu21
  • @user-ik5ok6cn6b
    其實柯文哲就是一個容易踩法律雷的人,以前跟在他旁邊的學姊,就說要常常幫他踩煞車,也有法務幕僚人員說有些事柯想熊熊做下去,法務要告訴他這樣會違反法條柯才住手。 所以柯任內暴衝直接做了多少事?也難怪他害怕,恐怕他現在才清醒,他是醫界人士,不是法界人士,什麼能做不能做,當初應該聽法務建議才能明哲保身。
  • @14-op4ws
  • @amge6300888
  • @kasamoTIe
    高虹安那個根本不叫重判 嚴格來講是輕判好嗎?? 才多起刑四個月耶.....