HOT DRAMA!!! The Incident between Marc Márquez and Nicolo Bulega at The Race of Champions Misano

Race of Champions Ducati Misano
Marc Marquez vs Nicolo Bulega

コメント (21)
  • That is not an incident, he clearly pushed him, what is on the ground is Márquez's honesty, he does not know the values ​​of sport and he does not care.🤮🤮🤮
  • ‘Lui ti punta la gamba e sa che se ti prende fra la moto e la gamba non cade’😬
  • @jskah6471
    I don't think Bulega expected MM to be so aggresive and do an aggresive dive on the last corner as it is just an exhibition race for Ducati publicity. Why take it so seriously and risk an injury that could affect their actual championship. MM is ruthless and maybe the lack of a win and poor performance for so many years also affects his hunger for podiums. MM has always been aggressive and only his injury days has made him more cautious. But I think the smell of a podium is too much for this Shark to resist. Bulega is understandably pissed as they are supposed to be on a break and this could have affected his physical condition. Really, why risk it MM???
  • @maxum4227
    We think this one has won 8 World Cups........
  • @sambutm2621
    very very unrespect to marc on this situation. very bad attitude.
  • Classic Marquez move, everybody expects it. Of course this was not a real race but still he can't change his attitude. Ridiculous really...
  • @blackers6897
    Its just a friendly race, nothing involved, why he has to do this. It shows he doesn,t give a f##k about anybody. As always a kamikaze rider.
  • Se Bulega si fosse fatto male voglio vedere cosa avrebbero detto in ducati
  • @none8901
    Marc marquez with a usual playing dumb grin on his face : " what? What did I do? " after he has knocked down a rider or two, out of the contention. What a p.o.s.
  • It’s just in him ! Cannot behave even if it’s for fun 🤷‍♂️ Another name to the long list of riders he took out ! And sometimes he doesn’t need anybody cos he manages it all on his own 🙄🤪🤣🤣🏍️🏍️💩💩
  • @selcukcilek555
    Not every rider will keep his patience. I assume that before retiring Marc will be beaten his ass after one of the races. Marc needs medical assistance now and if doesn't accept it now he will have to accept it later on.
  • @davide5129
    The Marc's path on destroing Ducati from the inside is continuing