How to make coleslaw #shorts #knifeskills

Has anyone else wondered why its called red cabbage lol?

Side note- I have also subbed yogurt for mayo for a lighter version.

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🚨 Recipe 🚨
1 cup mayo
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp ACV (apple cider vinegar)
1 tsp red pepper flakes
dash of rice vinegar
lemon juice to taste
kitchen besties (S&P)

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コメント (8)
  • They are called red onions and cabbage, because the word purple wasn’t invented yet.
  • I thought it was just me that thought that was weird , always asked that with red onions 🤣🤣
  • Look ya'll I call it purple and my mom. says magenta. I say pink/orange she says coral. Coming from a girl here all know they're making stuff up as they go, lol.
  • I say, let’s start a campaign to change the name to purple cabbage. 😉🙃😄