The Lost Art of Silence : The Stoic Practice of Minimal Speech

Have you ever wondered how silence could transform your daily interactions and deepen your personal growth? Dive into our latest video where we explore the profound power of silence through the lens of Stoicism. Learn about Marcus Aurelius' philosophy and the Stoic practice of minimal speech. This ancient wisdom teaches us how to embrace silence not just as a lack of noise, but as a strategic tool to enhance understanding, patience, and resilience in everyday life. Whether you're looking to find calm in the chaos or enhance your communication skills, this video will show you how Stoicism can enrich your life in meaningful ways. Discover the strength found in stillness and how it can lead to profound personal transformation. Join us now and unlock the secrets of the power of silence!

__________ Content of this video _________________

00:00 The Power of Silence
01:32 Silence destroys your opponent
03:32 Silence Attracts Attention
06:00 Silence builds strength
08:30 Resilience and Adversity
11:09 Pride or Arrogance are proof of weakness
13:38 Silence the secret weapon for Negotiations
15:57 Kindness and Considerate Regard for Others
18:14 Eliminate Distractions
20:55 The Lost Art of Deep Listening
23:22 The Art of Reflective Wisdom
28:38 Embrace the Silence

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コメント (21)
  • I don't speak much. I thought I was shy. But, my dad told a person one time that " She's not shy, shes a listener and when she has something say its usually important and wise" . It changed me forever. But sometimes my quietness makes me seem like I'm not fun or judging people. One date told me that I was stuck up. I got that a lot. I learn, I listen and I'm polite.
  • "Is what I am about to says...will add value to the silence ?" I find that this question very powerful ! I think sometimes it's hard to keep silence, there is a need to fill a void. But thank to you, I will listen to silence more. and make more meaning of it.
  • @Luckystoic
    My mother used to say “never let anyone take away your peace”
  • Thank your for this video. It's really opened my eyes on silence. I am not a good listener.
  • I try and remember No everyone Deserves to Know what I'm thinking and I have gotten more articulated when I do talk 😮 then 🌿 it was trying to speak positively unless I'm resolving an issue 😊 Daily Practice 😊❤😊