everybody's obsessed with the retro corporate aesthetic

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written by Mina Le
edited by Charlee Reiff

Instagram: instagram.com/gremlita
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@gremlita
Letterboxd: boxd.it/7YgX

Business email: [email protected]

Dressing for Success: The Re-Suiting of Corporate America in the 1970s by Patricia A. Cunningham in Twentieth-Century American Fashion (2005)
The Women’s Dress for Success Book by John Molloy (1977)
“The Clothes I Wear Help Me to Know My Own Power”: The Politics of Gender Presentation in the Era of Women's Liberation by Betty Luther Hillman (2013)
Dress for Success in the Popular Press by Jennifer Paff Ogle and Mary Lynn Damhorst in Appearance and Power (1999)
Uniforming the Corporate Body in the City of London by Samira Guerra in Uniform: Clothing and Discipline in the Modern World (2019)
Introduction: Fashion, Agency, and Empowerment by Annette Lynch Katalin Medvedev in Fashion, Agency, and Empowerment (2019)
Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace by Nikil Saval (2014)
   • The SKIMS Ultimate Nipple Bra  
   • Why All Movies From 1999 Are The Same  

0:00 - intro
3:32 - what is corpcore?
12:22 - the history of officewear
19:44 - how did we get here?
26:35 - the reality of office life

コメント (21)
  • @gremlita
    At 18:17 - there's a misattribution; Samira Guerra conducted the study and her work is included in Uniform: Clothing and Discipline in the Modern World (2019), which was edited by Jane Tynan & Lisa Godson.
  • "corporate-core" in the height of a recession makes sense - people are romanticizing a stable income from a 'comfortable' desk job because it's become so hard for new grads/gen z to find a job! finance bros and day-in-the-life of a corporate girlies have been trending for a while plus growing up in the age of 'Ugly Betty', '13 Going On 30' and 'The Devil Wears Prada' had me DREAMING of working as a fashion corporate girlie running with coffee in one hand and a phone balanced on shoulder.
  • @hafizwllms
    As someone who doesn’t use tik tok, all of these aesthetics and your videos in general are always surprising and new info to me. It further confirms why I don’t want to use that platform.
  • @cxramelty242
    i wonder if its a way for people to glamorize the 9-5 office occupation? most of the newer generation doesnt want to work 9-5 so maybe making it more aesthetic or romanticized helps.
  • @cassiopeabr76
    The cubicles, the dirty carpets, the boss watching your notebook behind you, the endless gossip, the 10 different ways of harassment, the traffic, the early morning showers/neat dressing/hair/makeup/nails, the painful high heels 10 hours straight, the same restaurant near work, the nap on the toilet, actually the hidden cry in the bathroom. Nope, I won´t miss it. Home office is a blessing.
  • i feel like “coastal grandma” was essentially retirement core LMAO
  • @aaamena
    Retirement core is the mic drop I didn't know I needed
  • i find it funny that all these 'cores' are made probably by ppl who have never been in that role (like the cottage core, now the office core) because most of us girls working in offices don't find this romantic at all LOL. Also, i feel like the fashion industry loves to glamourize poor ppl/working ppl clothes/lifestyles, since their most millinonaire clients eat that shit up
  • i know we all hate 9-5s now, but I think the rise of this aesthetic is also related to the fact that at least in the 80s and 90s office work, while dreadful at its nature, came with certain benefits, job stability and retirement possibilities, whereas now it's just an endless stream of gig work, low pay, instability, and nonexistent benefits. We're basically stuck in this arrested development state where we can't plan for our lives because everything is so unstable. I work in Marketing and I know it's really difficult for most of my colleagues to keep a steady job for more than a year or two. So I think part of the officecore aesthetic is the nostalgia for these more stable times.
  • Before i watch, i just want to say i find it interesting - almost insidious - how the romanticization of office wear is happening after a pandemic, when capitalists have a vested interest in having people go back to the office even after it has been made clear working for home can be more efficient, safe, and mentally healthy. I’m curious to see if this observation comes up in this video!
  • Even as a kid in high school, I thought the media was way too hard on Monica. Especially her looks. It was ridiculous to 16 year old me and it’s horrific to 41 year old me.
  • The tik tok of the girl strutting and filming her cute office core outfit and her tiny purse cracked me up because my version of office core is that I’ve been stuck in traffic for 2 hours and I’m using my bulky ass work backpack to carry my life inside. I chugged a protein shake at the toll booth—
  • @laialuvv
    is this like Gen z's "millennial girl boss era" repackaged??
  • @b6yce
    I think there’s a connection here with recession and this influx of office wear but i just can’t quite put my finger on it.
  • @newnewmee44
    wait, no "hello my beautiful doves"? now i feel like i'm just a rat with wings 😔
  • When your workplace is nice, the office environment is pretty pleasant. I work at a library and everyone there collaborates and helps each other out a lot, the vibe is pretty relaxed too. But if tour workplace is toxic there is no greater hell than walking into the office space.
  • @paillette2010
    I won't lie, early 80's are some tight women's office clothing (well made stuff), because it's before shoulder pads and it's got a hint of disco still in it's blood.
  • @janac4770
    I could definitely see something like "retirement core" happening, with trends like "coastal grandma" and "eclectic grandpa" popping up and all that
  • @funkle420.
    there's a guy in my building who dresses like Patrick Bateman all the time, even with the headphones and walkman, when i first noticed him it was halloween and i thought it was a costume but he's just like that