The Story of the Moby Prince | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror

Published 2020-12-22

All Comments (21)
  • I'm not sure what's scarier about these videos, the fact that I could die in a freak accident due to somebody else's tiny mistake, or the fact that my own tiny mistake could cause a freak accident that kills hundreds of people 🤔
  • @leslaw1979
    this is the kind of channel You tell yourself that youre watching just one video, but end up watching everything
  • @hoodedk9955
    Dude tried to say it was a tug boat knowing damn well they're going to prioritize whoever had more passengers on board.
  • Just a gut feeling here: A ferry that routinely makes this exact drive without incidence suddenly running into an achored ship - sounds to me very much like that ship was anchored in a place it shouldn't have been. Like you'd run into a sofa if someone had secretly switched up your furniture. And the fact that he "mistook" that big-ass ferry for a small tugboat is just beyond suspicious.
  • Ever since I started watching Fascinating Horror I find myself being more careful in everything I do. Particularly, when I’m driving on the highway I swear I can hear the FH music playing in my head with the narrator’s voice saying something like, “what he didn’t know, was that the operator of the oncoming vehicle was texting on his cellular phone....”
  • @kam2894
    “Mate, if you do not help us then we will burn.” So scary knowing that the person who said this died.
  • @Transilvanian90
    It's absolutely incredible that the captain of that tanker claimed it was a tug (after spending time trying to separate from the ship he collided with...) and didn't tell that to the rescue ships. That guy should be in prison for life.
  • @RoboticTable
    How the hell do you fail to notice a ship that's on fire for over an hour?
  • The only survivor didn't just jump in the water, he waited for one hour and a half hanging off the side of the burning ship, soaked in water, before getting rescued...
  • @ETFbvbAA
    no way he actually believed that they collided with a tugboat. no freaking way.
  • The feeling they must have felt as they waited and realized they werent going to be rescued must have been horrifying
  • This is the only English speaking Moby Prince doc on YouTube. Thank you!
  • @BeeWhistler
    How the CRAP did they think a tugboat could do that much damage?
  • @ShortArmOfGod
    Sounds pretty clear the captain of the tanker told responders the other ship wasn't that big or in real danger because he was worried about his own ship. It's really not possible to mistake a tug for a passenger ship that can hold 1k+ people.
  • @annacollier5372
    My dad was a captain at sea. He said the worst thing he ever experienced (and there were many horrors spanning about 20 years) was listening on the radio as fire raged on another ship. He listened to people waiting to die, knowing what was coming, then dying. I believe he said they were trapped in an engine control room, as fire raged outside in the engines. It scarred my dad for life and he often says fire on a ship is just about the worst thing that can happen at sea.
  • @AuntK68
    Even if the Moby Prince kept "slowly spiraling away", how could it possibly have gotten far away enough that NOBODY noticed a second burning ship in the darkness?! Especially since they were still in the harbor when the collision occurred!
  • @Etherman7
    I hate to say it, but suffocating is far better than what I had been thinking. Baking to death is quite a bit worse in my mind than slowly going to sleep from carbon monoxide.
  • @SparklyDeath
    I like how everyone was trying to place blame on the Moby prince crew in order to absolve themselves of any wrongdoing.
  • @reese8397
    That final picture was just chilling. The blackened ships and smoke rising high into the air
  • @daveyduzit7874
    Sounds like the other boat that reported a small tug boat was just lying to help save them first