Female Australian Soldier VS Male U.S. Marine Contest!!! #shorts

Female Australian Soldier VS Male U.S. Marine Contest!!! #shorts


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コメント (21)
  • This is how wars should be fought. Everyone goes out and just holds weights above their head, last side with the weight above their head wins.
  • Stance. She lines her body up to hold the weight. She worked smarter and not harder and her endurance won.
  • @Jediftard
    I could see in the first 5 seconds she was going to win. His stance was one foot out, no centered gravity, elbows slightly bent, casual attitude. She nailed it because she took it seriously with no bravado. That is a Warrior!
  • This is so unfair. Americans aren’t used to holding kilograms
  • People are complaining that she used different form, so it’s unfair. No guys. That’s part of winning. Thinking it through and using different strategies is a part of winning She won. EDIT: thank god we finally got to 500 replies and maxed out. I’m sick to death of getting reply notifications. And for all you people who want to go “BUT NO ONE IS EVEN SAYING ITS UNFAIR” read through all these replies. You’ll find the triggered people here, you’re welcome.
  • There's a huge difference between having bent elbows and straight elbows.
  • Bro absolutely refused to lock his elbows and allow his skeletal structure to bear the weight
  • Her form is why she won- dude is holding it up with muscle - she balanced it on her bones and hand .
  • I never saw combat pants look so good on a soldier before : )
  • Why can’t some people just accept that she won the challenge, jeez
  • Props to both of them for lasting several months until winter
  • And she nearly jumps for joy at her victory! Kudos for all the work you put in to your fitness.
  • American shout out to our Australian brothers and sisters. Much love and respect y'all. GOD bless you.
  • All the mad guys trying to make excuses for her doing better. She still f*cking WON. 🤷🏻‍♀️