My Dark Side #OvercomingMyLungDisease #LiveInspired #111

A Horrible Place!!!!

コメント (8)
  • Aw Donnie, I'm so sorry about the funky messages you've received. As someone said below, no two journeys are the same but everyone has to strive for and deserves the best life they can have, even with this disease. I love your ratio, live in the 85%, I'm going to say my ratio is about 95%, some days 98% but yeah, that 2-5% sometimes can be a monster. As you know, I've had MUCH longer dealing with this than you and I consider it my not so new normal. I also feel that I've got to be an example (much like you) of how to live your life as fully as possible while having this disease. When I'm in that 2-5% I'm really sad and afraid, but most days I don't think about it, I'm just going about my day and making whatever adjustments need to be made to accomplish it. Having this disease so long has allowed me to get past the embarrassment of having a concentrator when I'm out, I go to work every day and look cute doing it! I accept help when people offer if I need it, and ask for it if I need it and they haven't. I don't begrudge the fact that I've got to do things differently (unless it's a 2-5% day), I just do the best I can and try to make a difference. I don't know how many lives I've touched because lots of people stop me and want to ask questions. They've got a mother, sister, friend, etc who has this or something that's causing a breathing problem and they wonder if the concentrator I have would help them get out of the house and live their lives again. These folks miss their loved ones and want to help, and I look like I've got information to share. You keep doing what you're doing. I love your spirit and think the 15% is great, you're amazing and doing fine. Yeah, this disease is a roller coaster ride we didn't consciously want to take, but it's the one we're one. Put your hands up!
    It's something I will never understand 'the things people say' As we record our journey we wish to help others keep their spirits up. No, two are the same not even in nature, no one has the right to judge they aren't right by your side 24hrs a day. For several years I hid the fact I was having trouble with my breathing from my husband when he was working. I often think of how it must have been for him to follow behind the ambulance when I was transferred from my local hospital to a hospital that had the technology to save my life. No, illness/disease affects everyone the same, no illness/disease is textbook...Be true to yourself Donny honey, give my love to your beautiful wife and each other a hug from me.
  • I am so happy to hear all your comments. ..I have this disease and it is hard sometimes ...nobody knows exactly what you fave or what any day is gonna be ..but with God and my family I know I am gonna win this bottle...I look forward to your post every wednesday...keep inspiring your energy...blessings
  • You have to fight you have to be positive!! My dad has been diagnosed early stages no oxygen yet.... Keep writing keep singing ❤❤❤
  • 15% ain't a bad ratio. I envy your ability to express your feelings musically. I'd change the verse about the blood, but maybe it needs the edge. Enjoy the other 85%.
  • @smarie523
    Don, I’ve followed your videos for a while now and I really applaud your attitude. Almost 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension. No 2 days are the same when you are living with a challenging condition. I have my days when I’m sad or even angry, but we don’t usually document those moments. No one has the right to judge our journey. Keep positive. It really does make a difference. All the best and keep inspiring!