Officer relieved of duty after violent arrest caught on camera

A Columbus Police officer is under investigation for comments the Chief of Police calls appalling.

コメント (21)
  • @__Andrew
    McDonald's employees have been fired for saying less than that. Do we really hold our fast food industry up to a higher standard than our police?
  • I hate when people say they are remorseful and are sorry, they’re only sorry that they got caught.
  • "Choke the life out of you" is not something that should ever come out of the mouth of someone who wears a badge and a gun. What level of insanity do we have to reach before something is done about this madness???
  • The only thing that officer wishes is that his camera wasn't on! He meant every word!
  • @alanz90
    I hope everyone realises that there are thousands of officers exactly like him
  • "I wish I could take it back" said every criminal ever
  • @mont7481
    He said what he felt and obviously thought. His lack of professionalism and self-control clearly demonstrates the need for his removal.
  • He doesn’t wish he didn’t say it or could take it back, he wishes that camera wasn’t on to hear him say it!!!
  • As soon as he said he wasn't relieved of his duty I genuinely made a WHAAAAT? face and said it out loud. Like this guy CLEARLY enjoys beating people up for no reason. Very strange world we live in.
  • If you described that you would like to "choke the life out" of a member of the public. You're not out there to keep the public safe.
  • Fraternal order of police: Playing it down, there's your problem right there
  • There are no take backs in this day and age and for any officer to even “joke” about something so heinous they should be relived of duty!
  • Being sexually aroused while watching a person in pain is sadistic
  • It’s sad how a lot of officers join the force to dominate, hurt and overpower the people rather than protect the people.
  • @butch1dc
    He doesn’t wish he didn’t make the comments. He wishes he didn’t get caught. That’s how THEY ALL talk and think about us lowly citizens.
  • "they are just words" But anyone else would get in trouble for saying that to anyone else. That would be premeditated assault or murder if someone died to his actions.