Tooling cutter grinder for horizontal mill cutters

Publicado 2024-07-18

Todos los comentarios (6)
  • @ypaulbrown
    good morning Wala Wala........have a wonderful day Don...thank you for sharing this information.....PB
  • @hersch_tool
    Thanks Don, I always learn a ton from your videos. I have a bunch of old cutters I bought in a lot for my B&S mill and they need to be sharpened. I had no idea how to properly go about doing it. I think that I could try doing this with my little surface grinder at some point in the future.
  • @ÁREAJ27
    Bom trabalho amigo Don!!! Boa sorte sempre!!!
  • Dee I am going to play the Devil's advocate and ask a few questions and make some observations. The wheel appears to be out of round but since you reground it on the arbor that should have taken care of that but by the sound it is still not rotating on a true centerline. This makes me ask what is in common with the cutter before and after the grinding. I would have to say the arbor. Do you know that it is truly straight? My reason for asking the question is a few months ago I adapted a Power feed to the lead screw for an old lathe of mine. It appeared that the bearings were binding by the speeding up and slowing down of the lead screw. I messed with that thing for several days trying different things trying to solve and correct the problem. final discovery was the lead screw itself had a slight bow in it and when rotating inside the half nut it would always bind when the screw made it to the high side of the bow. I haven't done it yet but eventually I will pull the lead screw off and straighten it.