UFO hearing: Eyewitnesses describe encounters with "non human" entities to Congress | FULL

The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability heard explosive testimony Wednesday, not only about the mysterious craft that was beyond any known technological capabilities but also eyewitness accounts by former U.S. military personnel who said they've seen non-human entities doing "very disturbing" harm to humans.

The hearing entitled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency,” heard from: Ryan Graves, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Aerospace; Commander David Fravor (Ret.), Former Commanding Officer United States Navy, and David Grusch, Former National Reconnaissance Officer Representative, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force Department of Defense.

Grusch testified that both he and his wife witnessed "non-human" entities doing harm to humans that he described as "very disturbing."

Graves testified that he had a pilot tell him he almost hit a UAP during take-off: "One of these objects was completely stationary...It was right where all the jets were going on the eastern seaboard. The two aircraft flew within 50 feet of the object."

Upon talking to the pilot after he landed, Graves said he found him with his "mouth open" and that the pilot told him that "he almost hit one of those darn things." Graves said the pilot described the object as a "dark cube inside of a clear sphere."

For more info, please go to globalnews.ca/news/9746110/metallic-flying-orbs-na…

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コメント (21)
  • @lordkayx
    Its pretty incredible how different these politicians act when they have some common ground to stand on. I wish the government always acted this mature.
  • @thahomiee24
    Its crazy how unnoticed this whole ordeal is like this should be on the front page of all Media!!!
  • @dawson850
    Should be a presidential order for all this to be broadcast by media
  • Like Carl Sagan once said, “The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”
  • @alltooleah
    I feel really bad for people who died being viewed as a crazy person for sharing their sightings/experiences, if only they could see this now!
  • Thanks to those whistleblowers for coming up front with this, also, the fact that they are open to assist with the most sensitive information in private instead of just denying access to it shows the level of compromise with the truth.
  • @oliviva3978
    Can you imagine how much more there is to know? These disclosures are probably just crumbs for us the people. But the truth is bigger than all the secret holders.
  • @dawson850
    And most of the world isn't even listening
  • I’ve seen one 100% back in 1999 driving down to Dover, in UK. I knew then they existed and it would only be a matter of time until the truth came out. Finally it is. People deserve to know the truth.
  • Their clearly is two governments wuthin the U.S. one is the three branches we know about and the other is a shadow govt who dont answer to the elected officials from the Executive and Legislative branches and are not bound by the laws from the constitution thus the Supreme Court have no precedence and cant make a ruling on anything they do because of the National security implications. This brings up several questions first being who does this shadow govt consist of=NSA+CIA+DNI; the second question is who do these intelligence agencies answer too if not the commander in chief the POTUS and or Congress= they only answer to those said superiors within those three agencies. The third and most puzzling question is How does the funding they request get authorized if they dont answer to those who in charge of the budget? Do they just write unlimited blank checks for black programs and dont know or dont care what the money is being used for? No transparency whatsoever. Whats really going on?
  • @kodasmoke8106
    I feel like all of them already know without doubt the accuracy of this information and are just going through the motions of disclosure
  • People have been saying this for years and now it’s finally coming to fruition
  • @yacofive2070
    Cool, when will the cost of living be affordable again?
  • A cube inside a sphere. Makes you wonder what kind of science they use that makes their craft shaped that way. It's safe to say whatever the science is it makes them capable of traveling faster than light
  • @johndohrmann
    In 1979 on a pitch-black night in the dessert, I was driving with a friend and we witnessed a very large, round football field sized craft slowly descend and land in a military area in Washington state. We were fairly close to it, maybe 1/2 mile, pulled off the road and watched it disappear behind a small hill for maybe 30-45 seconds. I don't remember telling anyone, fearing they'd think I was crazy.