Principles of Time Machine: Gravity and Electromagnetism as Cosmological Basis

Published 2024-06-25
Theory of General Relativity: Mass warps space-time; in strong gravitational fields like black holes, time dilation occurs.

Time Dilation: Closer to a black hole's event horizon, time slows down significantly. Astronauts near a black hole would experience slower time compared to the rest of the universe.

Practical Limitations: Extreme conditions near black holes make human time travel impractical.

Quasars' Brightness: Quasars are extremely bright due to supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at their centers.

Accretion Process: Matter accelerates and heats up as it falls into SMBHs, emitting electromagnetic radiation.

Impact on Galaxy Formation: Feedback from quasars affects star formation and interstellar medium.

Dark Matter: Hypothesized to exist in both matter and antimatter forms, potentially forming black holes in dense stars.

Big Freeze vs. Big Crunch: Theories about the universe's end, influenced by dark energy and dark matter.

Big Freeze: Continuous expansion leads to a cold, dark universe.

Big Crunch: Reversal of expansion, leading to gravitational collapse.

Interactions: Research suggests dark energy consumes dark matter, influencing cosmic evolution.

Mass Asymmetry: Explained through Planck’s distribution law, affecting electromagnetic radiation frequencies.

Speculative Theories: Dark energy and dark matter might arise from these asymmetries.

Quasars as SMBH Beacons: Bright due to energetic radiation from accretion disks around SMBHs.

Eddington Limit: Early SMBHs exceed this limit, suggesting alternative growth mechanisms.

Super-Eddington Accretion: Proposed mechanism for rapid growth of early SMBHs.

Hypothesis: Dark matter accumulates in dense stars, causing them to collapse into black holes.

Asymmetric Dark Matter Model: Dark matter exists in matter and antimatter forms, allowing accumulation inside stars.

Big Freeze vs. Big Crunch: Expanded explanation including observational foundations and measurement of expansion.

Dark Energy: Accelerates universe expansion, making up about 73% of the universe's total energy density.

Observations: Type Ia supernovae and redshift measurements support the accelerating expansion.

Dark Energy Models: Several models attempt to explain accelerated expansion, with dark energy as a central concept.

Principle and particle-wave duality explained through accelerated motion.

Lorentz Transformations: Practical method for transforming time and geometric coordinates, explaining relativistic mass changes.

Electromagnetic Inertia and Gravitational Attraction: Concepts suggesting mass is electromagnetic.

The Graviton and Quantum Gravity: Hypothetical graviton mediates gravitational forces at the quantum level.

Electromagnetism and Gravity: Interactions suggest potential unified theory of mass, inertia, and gravity.

Future Discoveries: Accelerating electrons, electromagnetic fields, and intrinsic acceleration offer insights into quantum mechanics and relativity.


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"Super-Eddington Slim Accretion Disks with Winds" Calanit Dotan, et al., 1004.1797, Mon, 18 May 2015.

"Hyper-Eddington mass accretion onto a black hole with super-Eddington luminosity" Yuya Sakurai, et al., 1605.09105, Wed, 07 Sep 2016.

"Review of asymmetric dark matter" Kalliopi Petraki, et al., 1305.4939, Fri, 02 Aug 2013.

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"Observational Evidence of the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe" Pierre Astier, et al., 1204.5493, Thu, 04 Jun 2015.

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Background Music

Dark Souls, Gwyn Lord of Cinder (600% Slower Version by Don Cook)

#timemachine #science #documentary #gravity #electromagnetism #physics #time #space

All Comments (3)
  • Hey, nice video. You could try to use motion pictures and a more human sounding voice over bot as there are many available for free to increase viewer interaction. Keep going!!!