[1453] VERY Clever “Loki” Puzzle Padlock Solved


コメント (21)
  • “The only reviewer says it took them a month” LPL: reaches for an egg timer
  • Dude really solved this puzzle faster than some puzzle specialists while missing a tool the entire time.
  • He might be the only youtuber that says "I'm not sure if you can see this on camera" and has it perfectly on focus every time. Usually it's like a Bigfoot photo 😂
  • He played by the rules and still beat it in a unintended way. Absolute legend.
  • So, basically it takes you as long to open a difficult puzzle lock as it does any other locksmith to open a $5 Walmart Master lock.
  • @TheG_Boy
    Never taught i would see him lockpick a lock using it's own key
  • I saw a 20+ minute LPL video and was thinking that this must be the best lock ever made, not what I expected but still really fun.
  • @Andoxico
    LPL: "That was a fun little puzzle lock!" the locksmith: "Thanks, how long did it take you to find the little hidden hex key?" LPL: "The what?"
  • The raking technique used would just be something the average person would do out of frustration and then they'd have no idea why it suddenly worked lol
  • remember: to provide ur lockpicking lawyer with proper enrichment, switch out the regular padlock or vintage mail lock with something like a puzzle lock every once in a while . :)
  • Tbh I think that unscrewing the screw with the key is much cooler and even more in spirit of the puzzle since you're only using the lock and key. I think that in next revisions of the puzzle the hex tool shouldn't be included and the key should be altered to be a little better at unscrewing it so it's still a hidden screwdriver but it's hidden in plain sight and not within the bag.
  • Only the LPL can solve a difficult puzzle like this using fewer tools than the puzzle manufacturer intended while still following the rules. LPL inadvertently increased the difficulty for himself. Outstanding.
  • while it is extremely impressive how lpl was able to solve this in under 20 minutes completely on his own, using his own wits and knowledge, we should remember to give some credit to the person who solved it in one month. imagine banging your head against a wall for a month figuring out this devilish contraption. that's admirable1
  • @MrMaselko
    8:53 "Now, this would be easier if I was allowed to use lockpicks" He says while trying to open a lock
  • I can feel him wanting so badly to just grab his picking tools the whole time 😅
  • I think this is most likely the highest non-destructive pick-resistant lock ever featured by LPL
  • Watching this channel always reminds me on that day, where I went to a locked trailer to help a friend destroying it's lock because he lost the key. I brought my cheap small iron saw, for me to get there it was just a short walk so I went there by foot. It was one of those discus locks with a small attack surface and there was still something in between. We only had that cheap tool but finally after about 40 minutes be managed to destroy the beast. So we hooked the trailer to his car and I was invited to take a seat as co-driver. We drove just a few meters and after turning the car, the sun was low and blinded us so badly that he reached into the glove compartment in front of me to take his sunglasses. And lo and behold, the key to the lock we just destroyed was in the sunglasses case.
  • I love that to get a 20 minute video out of LPL it took a puzzle that would take most people months.
  • I think, after completing the puzzle once correctly, it would've been really interesting to see if you could try to use your own picks to open this in any different way, especially if it might've been possible to skip any of the normal steps by doing so - :)