2 reasons your pastor may have stayed United Methodist!

Published 2024-05-18
General Conference 2024 of the United Methodist Church has forced a decision on both members and ministers. Do we stay or do we go? Unfortunately, this should have been made earlier when leaving was easier. Now the doors of semi-painless leaving have shut.

All Comments (21)
  • @user-wx2ey3iq3e
    Two reasons especially if they have been around for sometime…1. Easy, they believe in the changes. 2. They will lose any and all retirement plan that they have earned, they will lose housing . The denomination may think they made the right move but they CAVED to earthly beings are NOT following Gods word. You don’t change Gods word you Obey Gods word.
  • @TexMarque
    I left the UMC ten days ago. The minister of less than 20 congregants is great; but, I can't support apostasy by gifts, service, or attendance.
  • @MrWorf53
    I understand the dilemma for a pastor to leave UMC before they can retire. Progressives are using that dilemma to keep pastors in the church against their will. What progressives seem to overlook is that they have and are driving the people with the money and the talent out of the church. What is coming is way worse than what has happened for UMC.
  • @matthewcoons4718
    As a son-in-law of a UMC member, my observation is that the ministers who didn't leave didn't do so because they tend to be compromised already because they, for years, have rejected the authority of Scripture (i.e. women pastors), and they are not used to having biblical convictions that stand against such modernistic trends.
  • @cjpreach
    REASON #3. Maybe the pastor wanted to remain in the "denomination" (not biblical, BTW), and be salt and light in a dark and lost organization. I wouldn't do it, but some men might.
  • @user-pb8mf9wj8t
    Don't he believe the Lord will supply all his needs according to his riches and glory and do more exceedingly abundantly what he can ask for or begin to imagine.
  • @Rllasley
    God is speaking...are ears listening...not just hearing sounds that form words...
  • @kevinkelly1586
    I have recently viewed many videos denouncing the evil apostasy within the United Methodist Church. Let me share my reflections from the mid to late 1980's; I know what many faithful UM laypeople and clergy have been experiencing. From 1985 to 1988 I studied for ordination. The seminary was totally sold-out to Politically Correct ideology. Every aspect of theology: sin, salvation, faith, morality, justice, hope, love, etc. was redefined in PC terms and the PC Obsessive Binary. I realized that PC was unbiblical and evil; now I realize it even more so. After three months at the seminary, I realized painfully that the seminary was highly evil; a spiritual brothel. I had the proper motives at first, but I shortly realized that my dreams of serving Christ and his truth would never come true; and I stayed essentially with the motives of a hireling. I knew that I was compromising with evil by harboring a hireling motive and even staying in this demonic environment and felt that before much longer I would feel God's wrath for compromising with evil by remaining. Surely, it happened. I did not trust that God would provide for me if I left the seminary, but remained for the wrong reasons. Fortunately, though it took over a decade, I regained my faith in God & his love after a decade in the desert. I found a small conservative church which helped me regain my faith in God, and is now a blessed refuge from the evil in the world. I realize more and more why PC is evil, ungodly, and nothing but a demonic deception, though it would take much time to explain here. PC is not a "prophetic" movement for justice and the "oppressed" at all- it benefits the top 1% of "white males" more than 99% of everyone else. I encourage all those who are suffering from the OPPRESSION by the Progressive BULLIES who control the mainline churches to consider what I am sharing and to prayerfully consult God about it.
  • @williampaz2092
    There may be those who truly believe that they can help, in a small way, to bring the UMC back to what it used to be, to what it should be.
  • @seanautilis15
    I participated in and then watched this fight for 40 years. the cowardly ministers always covered their own cowardice with, "we must stay and fight", but of course, they never really fought. We are NEVER commanded in Scripture to "stay and fight". We are commanded to "go out from among them"
  • @amypatton6730
    I believe this is what happened in the church thst I attend.
  • @deankostas7214
    Why dont orthodox United Methodists form their own Methodist Church
  • I think it partly depends on what the UMC decision means for local congregations. Is a local congregation now obliged to follow those decisions, or is it left to the decision of each local congregation how far to go with this? Is a minister now being forced to conduct same-sex weddings against their conscience? Or can a local congregation and an individual clergyperson still say “no”? If there is still a high degree of local church and clergy autonomy, I can see why a pastor might choose to stay, especially if they still have the opportunity to preach the Gospel clearly and without compromise in that place. But I can guarantee you that there will eventually be a lot of pressure from higher church courts on the non-conforming pastors to get in line.
  • @CFCMahomet
    Have family that are UMC… Why don’t pastors leave? Retirement fund. Point blank. Money.
  • Prophetically warned, but choosing their own way, they follow their own paths to Hell & beyond