4 reasons churches left the United Methodist

Published 2024-05-27
General Conference 2024 ended with thousands of fewer United Methodist and United Methodist churches. Explore 4 different reasons churches chose to disaffiliate and leave the denomination.

All Comments (21)
  • I left years ago because I didn’t hear the plan of salvation there. I became a Christian in college, not in the church I grew I in.
  • @jasonwood8289
    Watching 30 seconds of footage from the convention is all I would need to get far away.
  • @Chelovyek
    I worked for a United Methodist church for way too many years. The people there were wonderful, but the situation there was dismal. The church leadership lied about membership numbers for years until it was impossible to hide the losses; there was a strong spirit of anti-intellectualism emanating directly from the bishop, resulting in Bible illiteracy among younger members; each and every sermon included a plea for money. What drove me out finally was the antisemitism coming from church and denominational leaders who were seeking currency as card-carrying liberals. Today I pray for the good people who remained to try to salvage the church, but I am ashamed that I remained simply for the sake of a job.
  • @mn2mx563
    You need 4? They quit believing the Bible was the Word of God
  • The Holy Bible is the Holy Bible, period. We practice Christianity guided by "The Good Book." You do not get to pick and choose what part you will follow and others that you will ignore. On the issue of LGBTQ+, the Holy Bible, Old Testament the Book of Leviticus 20:13, makes the question of homosexuality clear, Crystal Clear!
  • @aa5az423
    I left in 1991, as a 16 year old boy, when after my conversion (in a Baptist revival) I tried to stay UMC for about a year for my family’s sake. I kept reading my Bible and realizing the UMC was as biblically operated as any country club.
  • @752brickie
    I miss the days of the Old UMC !! We were a Bible believing Church at one time and look at it now. Like you said these pastors are having their congregations sleep walking into Eternity and most likely Damnation !
  • @ttpayton
    John - thanks for recording and posting these. It bings a smile to my face and joy to my heart to hear you proclaim the glories of Christ and the gospel, in the midst of such a dumpster fire in the UMC. Your humility, graciousness and speaking the truth are something I want to strive to emulate. May the Sovereign God use all this so His glorious grace would be magnified. (A prayer that I know will be answered)
  • 40 year ago this happened in a methodist in a small town in Tennessee, many of them came to a Presbyterian church, they wanted to " redirect " the church to their likings. Well the elders convinced them to find another church, the elders asked the reverend to leave, I considered him as a friend and talked with him for may hours, he was an army Chapin, preached to inmate, always at the hospital to pray for the ill.
  • @keithwolfe1942
    At one time the Methodist were the cutting edge of Christianity but for over 100 years now mostly it wasn't anymore, with a few local exceptions.
  • @kurthaas4331
    UMC, amongst others, plays to the new world view where truth takes a back seat to comforting lies.
  • @user-ww5dw1ig6r
    Hi John. I dont understand why/how the book of discipline wasnt followed in so many ways so many times. There is no point to having it if it isnt going to be followed. However now that churches want to disaffiliate the BOD must be followed. You cant pick and choose what/when the BOD is followed. The BOD was formed upon certain biblical principles which the have decided no longer apply. They have treated their churches with a total lack of caring and respect. Send us your money. Do as we say. You can not leave. Doesnt act like much of a Christian organization to me.
  • @jeffnelson3189
    My church was UMC, and we left for the first reason you gave. It was hard to believe anything the leadership would tell us when they wouldn't even follow the discipline! Now, we have never been happier! Leaving the UMC was truly the best decision for our church!
  • @deankostas7214
    At 1 time Methodist tent meetings were, in a large way, responsible for bringing civilization and spiritualization to the old West frontier. What a sad ending for Methodists?
  • My wife and I used to be heavily involved with the Emmaus and Chrysalis walks. It was 72 hours of learning about all of God's love for us. We cannot do that anymore as we left the UMC. We saw it was pointless because the denomination wasn't enforcing the rules already in place. The conference only removed the rules since they weren't following them anyway. We started a new Global Methodist Church, but we don't advertise it's a Methodist Church.
  • @HeadOfBusiness
    People should seriously dive into Scripture and understand the original words within their ancient cultural settings, to truly understand the Word of God. You'll be surprised how lovingly inclusive our religion actually is, and how the conservative archaic, and often draconian, teachings are based largely in ignorance and mistranslations. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is enough to save you. (Or for the Catholics, good works too). God bless all of you, please pray for me as I will for you.