Here's Why Israel Hasn't Struck Lebanon Yet

Hezbollah and Lebanon are anticipating an Israeli response after the killing of 12 children in Majdal Shams. Jerusalem is considering its options carefully as the United States and other countries are urging Israel to avoid a major strike. With rising tensions and rampant speculation, what is Israel's next move? ILTV is joined by Jonathan Schanzer, Senior Vice President of Research at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, to discuss all of this further.

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コメント (21)
  • @TheCaniblcat
    Israel struck Beirut tonight, targeting Fuad Shukr
  • Wish there were more Christian countries that could stand up and help defend Israel
  • God bless and protect you dear Idf, Bibi and the Jewish people 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱God, bring all the hostages home 😢😢😢. Love from a norwegian lady who love you Israel now and forever and ever 🇧🇻🇧🇻🇧🇻
  • Lebanon used the money it received from abroad to supply the entire Hezbollah with Hello Kitty underpants!!.😮👻🙄
  • @eveopema8266
    Go IDF...praying for your Victory. God bless Bibi and his people❤
  • @jackmann8064
    I can't think of one other situation in the world where the world is constantly telling another country to refrain from responding to being attacked. My head is exploding.
  • @ClydeLiford
    Hello may God bless you all in Israel 🇮🇱 I'm for Israel all the way thank you ❤
  • @ibend
    God stands for defense of American people and Israel nation ❤🎉 God bless all of us❤
  • God Bless Israel and God Bless America. Us true Americans stand with you
  • @rotsin
  • @Idani2
    guys the strike wasn't israeli, it was a hezbollah misfire.
  • @Rachid-mc3cp
    Where is that little men from Germany when you need him.
  • With this slow to response by Israel, emboldened the terrorists against Israel... Why is the USA and allies pacify Israel not to escalate while Israeli enemies are not restrained... Let Israel teach them a lesson once and for all... enough of this