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Published 2024-04-17
Shout out to those of you who subscribe and support my channel, I am deeply humbled that you take the time to consume my content and I can only hope that it enriches your life to prompt meaningful changes

#compassion #healthyrelationships

All Comments (11)
  • @DennisD-yv4ys
    Mindsets so are intresting it's like taking a negative and turning it into a positive😊 I'm Canadian too🇨🇦
  • @robst247
    Spot on, Fraya. This is the message I want all my clients to hear, understand -- with head and heart -- and integrate. You express it clearly, concisely and with deeply embodied conviction based on your ample -- and often painful -- experience. Thank you for sending this beautiful and sorely-needed message of self-love out into the world. May love flow back to you in abundance. ❤🙏
  • @SensibleChuckle
    I am philosophical, spiritual, and an autodidact type that took time away from relationships to analyze my self and why I kept picking toxic relationships. I figured it out and along the way I had some real epiphanies. One of my major break throughs: know my ego. It is the source of my pain, shame, guilt, fear, and many other things that tend to be a combination of those, e.g. insecurity comes from shame, fear, and often times pain.

    Another one: finding the opposites of the ego's elements. So in the case of this video's topic of COMPASSION-- its opposite is JUDGEMENT. Freya listed this and a few others. For me, it was helpful to make a list of the gunk-- single words that cause me to feel negatively so that I could find its opposite that causes loving feelings.

    In the case of compassion & judgement, it is easy to find instances of this while driving. Someone is going to slow and holding everyone up. It is easy to judge them harshly, but maybe they are moving and have a fish tank with just enough water in it to keep the fish alive an sudden movements would make it splash, maybe they are old and can't see well, or maybe they are just fearful, or can't afford a ticket for speeding. There's an infinite number of reasons they are going slower.... compassion will help switch from an egotistical state of judgement to a loving state of compassion.

    Here's another example. A girl looking in the mirror and not feeling pretty enough, and fussing over minor details of not being good enough. That is clearly judging self and it pushes compassion out. Think of it as a balancing scale with compassion on one side and judgement on the other. We have to focus on improving ourselves from within and then our world becomes entirely different. This is a fact in my own life. Once this skill is developed it becomes a trajectory of seeing the ego and replacing it with love and becomes a positive feedback loop.

    I found (again, this works for me, I don't assume this works for everyone), the opposite of LOVE is not PAIN-- pain is within the hierarchy of the ego. Love is the top of its hierarchy, ego is the top of its hierarchy, therefore LOVE and EGO are opposites. Any time you have dark, negative, gunky feelings become the dominant emotional state that drives negative actions, ask your self "What am I feeling?" (why is a good question too, but deal with that later, don't get hung up on that), and then figure out "what is the opposite of what I am feeling?"

    I made a list of them for me. I've proven to myself, that LOVE CANNOT EXIST WHERE THERE IS EGO (remember this one thing and let it guide you when you feel stuck), and as previously mentioned compassion cannot exist where there is ego. Each item within love or ego, has its opposite on the scale. There's a constant battle from the ego to take the space of love. Strive to truly receive love and retransmit it. The ego will lose its voice and control as love gains a voice and is available.

    This is long winded but maybe there's someone that needed this. You got this.

    edited for clarity
  • @warrenbaker4124
    This is an amazing video, with amazing lessons. Thank you!!
  • @sailormike
    Liking this format style. Lots to chew on and think with this one. I like it Fraya! I can see where my thinking has changed over the years.